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Purpose to reduce noise worldgen lag using files. Original Purpose and Function Function is improve worldgen performance by making noise more visible and less performance extensive.
Purpose (fix bugs, fix performance issues, give recommendations). New Purpose and Function Function (Most of the solutions or ideas, I employ will require yosbr/YOSBR for best results) YOSBR file types accepted(.json, .json5, .txt)
eclipse, Current Tools List visual studio code
Low priority: Without YOSBR/yosbr all config just gets overwritten. Issues


If you can state if the problem relates to cpu/memory/gpu state that.

If you need to, use JDK mission control so you can better describe.

If reporting bugs to make sure you use their format of showing profiling/world data.

In case of bugs/glitches/errors/problems

The best performance mod I have found : Mobtimizations

Performance mods frequently cause worse performance with these java arguments.

Optimal value of MaxRAMPercentage is equal (InGameCurrentAllocatedMemoryInPercent) + ~5%


using yosbr, seems to fix the mipmap problem(has side effect of visual pixely):

"MainNoiseScaleX": 1
"MainNoiseScaleY": 1
"MainNoiseScaleZ": 1
"DepthNoiseScaleX": 1
"DepthNoiseScaleY": 1
"DepthNoiseScaleZ": 1

using yosbr, adds more optimal garbage collection:


using yosbr, adds more optimal thread usage:

-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions XX:+UseCriticalJavaThreadPriority  

, I also recommend making sure system thread priority is correct.

Although this is technically public domain license I recommend using MIT license in all personal projects for development.
(Default Leak chance with all allocated memory at 100%) = Derivative of an unknown exponential graph + alterations_effects
(papermc increases leak chance) by ~5%
(Default Leak chance below allocation) is very small.

This overrides almost any GC optimization:


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