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V5.0.0 [1.19.4 Overhaul]


Update V5.0 (Mar 18 2023)

Minecraft 1.19.4 Features:

Minecraft 1.19.4 Features  • Updated all Armor Stands to new Display Entities!
  - Display Entities are WAY more optimized, especially TPS-wise.
  - This means better Server-lag performance! And a good bit of FPS performance!
 • Using Interaction Entities (and /Ride command)
  - Now I've added Right/Left Click detection using an interaction entity's collider, which is much bigger than the pigs
  - Also, the /Ride command allows you to sit on the display entity directly, so there's no need for a pig!


Additions  • Added New Variants:
  Wood: (Full set, plus 3 Unique Variants for Each)
  - Mangrove Planks
  - Cherry Planks (Only works with the 1.20 Experimental pack on)
    - [These models subject to change in 1.20]
  - Bamboo Planks (Only works with the 1.20 Experimental pack on)
    - Bamboo also has a unique Throne texture map
  Stone Bricks: (Basic Set, All the Same Carved Variants)
  - Stone Brick
  - Deepslate Brick
  - Polished Blackstone Brick
  - Endstone Brick
 • Added new Table Item:
  - Paper


General Features  • Rewrote a lot of code to make it EVEN cleaner
 • Added Functionality to the Furniture Hammer:
  - Now when you Shift Right Click using a Furniture Hammer,
   - On Chairs: Removes the Cushion
   - On Tables: Removes the Table Cloth and Items (candelabras/paper/inkwell/etc)
 • Added Automatic Update Functionality
  - Old entities around each player will update on /reload now, or can run a manual command (/function tac:update)
 • Tucked chairs (Chairs pushed under a table) will untuck themselves when a player sits on them
 • Updated many old models,
  Some of the models:
    - Wooden Simple Chairs
    - Wooden Thrones
    - Wooden Armchairs
    - Throne Cushions
   - Normal Chair Cushions
   - Birch Carved Tables
    - Spruce Carved Table (4 legs)
   - Furniture Hammer Texture Mapping
   Plus Other Minor tweaks to most models


Fixes  • Carpets now work on Tables and Chairs (long-time bug since Minecraft 1.18 broke it somehow)
 • Seats don't run away when using a carrot on a stick because there's no longer a pig!
 • Fixed Table Interactions
   - Interacting with a table (placing carpets, items, and changing the model with a furniture hammer) is now run from the player who's actually interacting with the table, instead of the nearest player with said items in their hand.
   - This was an annoying bug that would make table's cycle their models in the orientation of the nearest player with a hammer
   - Also items would be taken from nearby players holding the items (like ingots or carpets) even though they weren't the ones interacting.
 • Improved the Chair movement, can go through non-solid objects and no longer go into each other.


Tables and Chairs KiB) Primary Download MiB) Required resource pack Download
Tables and Chairs KiB) Primary Download

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