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Unifies End and Nether biome generation, fixes bugs, and serves as a library for adding End and Nether biomes!

The only official and legal place to download this mod is on Modrinth. If you're currently on a different website, the files were NOT uploaded by me and may contain malware! As always, be careful when downloading things from the internet.

Mod Features (as of the latest version):

Bug Fixes:
  • Fix ender dragon being able to destory certain blocks with a blast resistance of obsidian (enchanting tables, ender chests, etc.). Also prevent the ender dragon from being able to destroy torches (as they're a part of the exit portal).
  • Fix MC-10369 (Certain particles do not get spawned):
    • Baby animal spawning particles.
    • Ender dragon block destruction particles.
    • Entity teleportation particles.
    • Eye of ender placement particles.
    • Fluid mixing effect particles.
    • Iron golem creation particles.
    • Redstone torch burnout particles.
    • Snow golem creation particles.
    • Wither creation particles.
  • Fix MC-31681 (Fog and clouds darken when you're under any blocks).
  • Allows all end biome mods to work together by unifying their end biome code!
  • Allows all nether biome mods to work together by unifying their nether biome code!
  • Automatically enables Forge's cascading world gen fix during End & Nether generation!
  • Caves can now generate in the End's outer islands!
  • Nether caves can now carve through biome top/filler blocks and soul sand (instead of only netherrack)!
  • The Nether can now be 256 blocks tall!

Library Features (as of the latest version):

Ability to add custom biome ambience!
  • This is applicable to any biome, not just End or Nether biomes.
  • Can have passive ambient sounds (can also be set with BiomeAmbienceEvent).
  • Can have a custom darkness ambient sound (can also be set with BiomeAmbienceEvent).
  • Can spawn passive particles (can also be set with BiomeAmbienceEvent).
  • Can have a custom lava color (idea by Mellohi).
Ability to add custom End and Nether biomes!
  • Can have a custom fog color (can also be set with NetherAPIFogColorEvent).
  • Can have a custom music type.
  • Can have a custom surface builder, and a custom chunk populator.
  • Can have custom cave carving conditions.
  • Can have custom Chorus Plant, End City, and Small End Island generation conditions (End biomes only).
  • Can have multiple weighted sub-biomes and edge-biomes.
Ability to add custom End and Nether structures!
  • Can generate between chunks (like Nether Fortresses).
  • Can have custom entity spawning properties (like Nether Fortresses).
  • Can have custom generation conditions.
  • All registered structures automatically work with the /locate command.
  • All registered structures automatically check for other structures when generating, so they won't intersect.

Special Mod Compatibility (as of the latest version):

  • All three versions are supported (BetterNether, BetterNether: RotN Edition, and BetterNether Continuation).
  • BetterNether uses a pseduo-biome generation system, this mod disables that and gives it real biomes.
  • Heavily improve performance when generating features (by not causing block updates). This also fixes several cascading world generation issues.
Biomes O' Plenty
  • Add config option to toggle world-type dependency for BOP's nether biomes, allowing them to spawn even when the world-type isn't set to "Biomes O' Plenty".
  • Fix BOP nether bramble cascading world generation issues.
  • Fix BOP nether hive cascading world generation issues.
  • Fix BOP nether lava cascading world generation issues, caused by that mod copying Vanilla's code but not copying Forge's fix for it (see MC-117810).
  • Prevent BOP from hiding its cascading world generation issues from the logger (lol).
  • Prevent BOP from removing End and Nether fog.
Journey Into The Light
  • JITL uses a pseduo-biome generation system, this mod disables that and gives it real biomes.
  • Fix all of JITL's Nether cascading world generation bugs.
  • Fix certain structures using bad entity ids for spawners (caused lots of log spam and broken spawners).
  • Improve performance when generating JITL's Nether features (by not causing block updates).
  • JITL's Nether entities now spawn only in JITL's Nether biomes instead of Vanilla's Hell biome (any can be reverted via GroovyScript):
    • Hell Cow: Now only spawns in the Blood Forest & Blood Forest Edge biomes.
    • Hell Serpant: Now only spawns in the Heat Sands biome.
    • Hell Turtle: Now only spawns in the Heat Sands biome.
    • Inferno Blaze: Now only spawns in the Blood Forest biome.
    • Mini Ghast: Now only spawns in the Blood Forest biome.
    • Reaper: Now only spawns in the Earthen Seep biome.
    • Witherspine: Now only spawns in the Earthen Seep biome.
  • Only generate Natura's Nether features in Vanilla's Hell biome, as they usually are very out of place in modded ones. Other biomes can be whitelisted via GroovyScript.
Nethercraft Classic
  • Add new "Glowing Grove" biome that Nethercraft now adds all of its features into.
  • Fix all of Nethercraft's cascading world generation issues.
  • Fix Nethercraft's bad entity network registries (also fixes weird projectile behavior).
  • More of Nethercraft's entities are now fireproof.
  • Nethercraft's Dark Zombies are now summoned instead of normal zombies during SummonAidEvent while in the nether
  • Nethercraft's Slime Eggs can no longer spawn entities on the client.
  • Add functionality for NetherEx's previously unused config values for soul sand and gravel generation.
  • Fix bad structure size check, no longer causes cascading world gen when checking structure placement.
Stygian End: Biome Expansion
  • All three versions are supported (Stygian End: Biome Expansion, Stygian End: Unoffical, and Stygian End Continuation).
  • Chorus Plants no longer generate in Stygian End's biomes (each can be toggled via configs).
  • End Cities no longer generate in Stygian End's biomes (each can be toggled via configs).
  • Fix all of Stygian End's canopy cascading world generation issues (done by drastically changing how the trees generate, can be reverted via configs).
  • Fix all of Stygian End's volcano cascading world generation issues.
  • Stygian End's acidic plains biome features now generate only on end obsidian.

If you're a modpack developer wanting to add Nether API to a modpack distributed outside of Modrinth, use File Director.

This mod will not be ported

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID