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v 0.14.2: other hotfixes & mixin configs

- added config to disable mixins

- fixed golden apple achievement not working correctly

- fixed a couple of issues with custom adventurer maps

- fixed hourglass sand not displaying correctly

v 0.14.0: 3M update!

- Added statues, a new decoration block that can hold items and interact with redstone.

- Added custom adventurer maps: catographers will now sell a custom blind maps to a random vanilla structure.

You can now also add your own custom maps to specific structures. This also supports the custom map markers I previously added

- Added iron gates, basically an iron fence gate. If stacked they can be opened with one click

- You can now feed a skeleton horse a stack of rotten flesh to turn it into a zombie horse

- Item shelves can now act as ladders if enabled in config

- Pancakes now accept chocolates from different mods

- Hanging signs can now hold 7 lines instead of 5

- Banners can now be placed on ceilings

- Crossbows now display colored tips for tipped arrows and a correct texture for rope arrows

- Changed and improved hourglass code. You might want to break and replace existing ones

- Added hazel wood type for sings from terraincognita

- Added rei plugin to show raked gravel

- Notch apples can now be... unenchanted?


supplementaries-1.16.5-0.14.2.jar(5.21 MiB) Primary Download

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