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GenesisMC mc1.20-v0.1.7


shhh dont tell anyone but 0.2.1 is almost done(if it isnt release already), it will be the official genesismc release for 1.20.2 and brings custom origins so thats rly fun, i decided to put this here bc its been 3 months since 0.1.7 and the plugin is 95% done.

for context, 0.2.1 is the official beta stage for the first official genesis release. super cool yeah? all origins are finished as of 0.2.1, and custom origins are nearly 100% compatible


Created by Genesis Team
Changelog: -Mainly backend changes lol
-update versioning to 0.2.1
-fixed enderian reach putting errors into console
-fixed origin-null error
-fixed /origin set
-added launchElytra() to OriginPlayer api
-added ElytraRenderPacket for Immersions control
-setup custom packet channel for client and serevr(Immersions)
-added elytra_flight
-added launch_in_air
-added claustrophobia
-fixed sound pitch bug
-added creative block breaking to reach
    -eventually removed due to weird misscalculations
-added ariel_combat
-update ReachAPI
-fixed elytra_flight from instantly killing the player
-added OriginChooseEvent to the OriginAPI
-impemented bstats support
-reduced nether spawn lag
-optimized imports
-cleaned about 90% of the plugins code
-added light_armour
-removed api config
-added wrap method for multiple lines(choosemenu)
-added OriginDataType enum
-added OriginMenu enum
-added new methods to OriginPlayer api
-added water_breathing system
-added new config + language system
    -added german
    -added russian
    -added english
    -added spanish
    -added traditional chinese
-added vcs api
-update 1.20
-rewrote custom origin handling
-made built in origins run on custom origins datapacks
-made new classes, added tons to the api
-added new "origins" byte field to playerdata
-added new Origin and Power Containers
-added javadocs
-optimized lots of code
-cleaned 99% of the project code
-added merling powers
-fixed elytrian keybind
-added getModifier() to custom origins
-added attribute power for custom origins
-added conditioned_attribute
-modified/rewrote the invis/transparency system
-made the core origins datapack for CO
-added datapack loading
-moved custom origins loading to datapacks folder
-fixed some bugs
-added pumpkin hate invis
-fixed crafting bug
-fixed bugs with origincontainer
-tye optimized cmds

Again, still in early beta. Most features do not work atm.
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genesismc-mc1.20-v0.1.7.jar(390.76 KiB) Primary Download

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