A-Macing Datapack

A-Macing Datapack

Data pack

This datapack improves upon the new weapon the Mace, from the 1.21 update. There are three new variants of the mace, gold, emerald, and diamond.

Server Magic

Created4 months ago
Updated4 months ago

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The title of the datapack

This datapack builds off the idea of the brand new feature called the mace. This datapack adds three brand new variants of said item. These varients are gold, emerald, and diamond.

The gold variant allows the player to bonce off of entities, making it easier to make combos.

Here's the recipe:

recipe yippe

The emerald variant allows player to use kinetic energy with elytra's to kill enemies safely, it also allows for combat advantages making you take less damage.

Here's the recipe:

recipe :O

The diamond variant allows the player to use both abilities on the same item.

Here's the recipe:

recipe yarp

Use the deactivated mace to activate to turn into the diamond variant.

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Technical information

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