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Lucky Block Pink 6.0 [From A New Start Update]


WARNING: Uses Lucky Block 7.7.1 as base.

+56 Drops
+3 Pink Love Potion Drops

File Changes:
*Updated to 1.13.2
*Lang file is now in JSON.
*Reorganized Drop Files once again.
*Changed id from lucky_block_pink to pink_lucky_block.
*Renamed several files to fit the new id.

Drop Changes:
*Changed Johnny's name to be bold.
*Changed Flying Johnny's name to be bold.
*Changed the luck value of anvil from 1 to 2.
*Changed Death Wish Well from -1 luck to -2 luck.
*Changed Baby Steve's Iron Sword to a Stone Sword.
*Changed how Sponge and Wet Sponge group drop works.
*Changed second lowest explosion amount from 1 to 2.
*Changed Pink Lucky Bow, Sword, and Love Potion drops.
*Changed random dirt drops to only be the original dirt.
*Changed the Fish in the I'm crazy! message to a salmon.
*Changed Final Wish to always be 50 tnt instead of 25-50.
*Changed 1 Random Spawn Egg Drop to 1-3 Random Spawn Eggs.
*Changed max amount of named sheep and Toast from 48 to 32.
*Changed Drinkable Evil Potion to look like a harming potion.
*Changed Rainbow Falling towers to include Glazed Terracotta.
*Changed text coloured text of Lil Moo Moo from gray to pink.
*Changed text coloured text of Ultimate Well from aqua to blue.
*Changed text coloured text of Nether Well from dark red to red.
*Changed the luck value of bat mob circle from 1 luck to 0 luck.
*Changed text coloured text of Apple Well from dark green to red.
*Changed text coloured text of Lapis Well from dark blue to blue.
*Changed Gold Wish Well's drop numbers to match that of iron well.
*Changed Lapis Wish Well's drop numbers to match that of iron well.
*Changed RIP YOUR INVENTORY bed to Red like how it was before 1.12.
*Changed The luck value of full gold ore falling tower from 0 to 1.
*Changed text coloured text of Guardian Well from aqua to dark aqua.
*Changed text coloured text of Skeleton Well from dark gray to gray.
*Changed Redstone Wish Well's drop numbers to match that of iron well.
*Changed Splashable Hero Potion to look like a fire resistance potion.
*Changed Wishing Wells to make entities spread out farther then before.
*Changed the Romantic Rose to have a dark red name rather then light red.
*Changed amount dropped from Ore Wish Well's Lapis drop from 1-30 to 5-25.
*Changed all animals well so they drop 20 animals instead of random amounts.
*Changed amount dropped from Apple Wish Well's Apple drop from 15-20 to 15-40.
*Changed the sound falling anvil makes from ghast fire ball to grass breaking.
*Changed amount dropped from Awesome Wish Well's Sponge drop from 2-10 to 5-15.
*Changed amount dropped from Nether Wish Well's Nether drop from 5-30 to 20-50.
*Changed amount dropped from Coal Wish Well's 2nd Coal drop from 25-50 to 15-30.
*Changed amount dropped from Coal Wish Well's Coal Block drop from 4-20 to 4-10.
*Changed amount dropped from Diamond Wish Well's Diamond drop from 1-10 to 5-15.
*Changed amount dropped from Enchanting Wish Well's Book drop from 1-20 to 5-15.
*Changed amount dropped from End Wish Well's Ender pearl drop from 3-16 to 4-16.
*Changed amount dropped from Iron Wish Well's Iron Block drop from 5-10 to 4-10.
*Changed the Jack o'Lantern in the Happy Halloween! message to a carved pumpkin.
*Changed the sound falling sponge makes from ghast fire ball to player swimming.
*Changed I think I am coding Minecraft! message to I think I'm coding Minecraft!.
*Changed amount dropped from Carrot Wish Well's 1st Carrot drop from 5-20 to 5-25.
*Changed amount dropped from Lapis Wish Well's Lapis Block drop from 5-10 to 4-10.
*Changed amount dropped from Nether Wish Well's Ghast Tear drop from 1-15 to 5-15.
*Changed the luck value of the Enderman Well and the Polar Bear well from 0 to -1.
*Changed amount dropped from Apple Wish Well's Golden apple drop from 6-24 to 5-25.
*Changed the luck value of It's Balanced Because It Takes Effort to 0 instead of 2.
*Changed amount dropped from Diamond Wish Well's Diamond ore drop from 1-10 to 5-15.
*Changed amount dropped from Quartz Wish Well's 1st Quartz drop from 25-50 to 15-30.
*Changed amount dropped from Quartz Wish Well's Quartz Ore drop from 10-45 to 16-48.
*Changed amount dropped from Ultimate Wish Well's Gold Block drop from 1-20 to 5-15.
*Changed "Search for the..."'s (Enchanted Golden Apple) Luck Value to 2 instead of 1.
*Changed amount dropped from Enchanting Wish Well's Bookshelf drop from 1-16 to 4-16.
*Changed amount dropped from End Wish Well's End Portal Frame drop from 3-16 to 4-16.
*Changed amount dropped from Ultimate Wish Well's Lapis Block drop from 1-15 to 5-10.
*Changed amount dropped from Quartz Wish Well's Quartz Block drop from 20-50 to 16-64.
*Changed Lucky Block Flaling to include Glazed Terracotta instead of normal terracotta.
*Changed Pink Lucky Block Flaling to include Glazed Terracotta instead of normal terracotta.
*Changed amount dropped from Enchanting Wish Well's Expierence Bottle drop from 5-100 to 16-64.
*Changed all poles to shoot down lightning once every block has finishd falling instead of some.
*Changed command sender of Thank you for downloaidng Lucky Block Pink from Kristen to KristenStuffs.
*Changed the sheep well's message from "Your baaaad wish came true!" to "Your baaaaaad wish came true!"
*Changed Wells from Original lucky block to use Pink Lucky Blocks if they dropped from a pink lucky block.
*Changed the Old Man message from an Enchanged golden Apple named Apple of Survival to an Iron Sword named Heroic Sword.
*AZ now has a diamond sword rather then diamond axe.
*Villager Wells now give out 20 villagers instead of random amount.
*Lightning Wells now give out 20 lightning bolts instead of random amount.
*Iron Golem and Snow Golem Wells now give out 20 golems instead of random amount.
*Boat and Minecarts Wells now give out 20 Boats or Minecarts instead of random amount.
*Blaze, Wither Skeletons, Witch Wells, Stray, and Ghast Well now give out 15 mobs instead of random amount.
*Husk, Zombie, Endermite, Silverfish, Enderman, Polar Bear, Guardian, Skeleton, and Creeper all now give out 20 mobs instead of random amount of mobs.
*Renamed Ben to Evangelion.
*Renamed Duck to Bawk Bawk.
*Renamed Cowman to Lil Moo Moo.
*Renamed Lonely Dirt to Lonely Dirt :(.
*Renamed 1/9 lives totem to 1 out of 9 lives totem.
*Renamed Lucky and Unlucky Potions to Hero and Evil.
*Renamed The "Search for the" Golden Apples to "Search for the..."
*Renamed Iron Pickaxe! from Labor Day message to Laborer's Pickaxe.
*Renamed Baby Kristen the creator of LBP to Baby Kristen, The Creator of Lucky Block Pink.
*Renamed Lucky Sword, Tools, Armour, Bow, and Fishing rod to Hero Sword, Tools, Armours, Bow, and Fishing Rod.
*Renamed Hey! Hey! message's apple from "Hey Hey!"(Red text) to "Orange you glad I didn't say apple again?" (Gold text).
*FIXED A typo with "Your Wish Came True."
*FIXED A typo with Zombie's Shovel being called Zombie Shovel.

-28 Drops.
-Weird Weapons.
-Command Armours.
-Command Weapons.
-Unlucky Skeleton.
-2 Duplicate Drops.
-Custom Structures.
-Non Diamond Lucky Sets.
-Lucky Block Pink Chests.
-Splash "Custom" Potions.
-Baby Chick + Items Drops.
-Drops that only play sound.
-Non Diamond Lucky Villagers.
-Elder Guardian from Guardian Wish.
-Long Forgotten, Long Lost Date with bow.
-Custom Villagers (new ones will come out eventually.)
-Enchantment Names from the Custom Weapons and Armours.
-Support for languages besides English, will come back in the future.

This will be the only 1.13.2 version of lucky block pink, unless there is a major issue.


Lucky Block Pink 6.0 [From A New Start Update].zip(36.44 KiB) Primary Download

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