Minecraft: Java Edition
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This datapack basically just replaces vanilla structures so you are still able to use sites such as to locate villages, pillager outposts, jungle pyramids, swamp huts, end cities and desert pyramids across your world. This datapack doesn't add any new villager professions or trades. If you will install the datapack into an old world it will only start generating new villages in previously undiscovered chunks.
- Cherry Grove Village
- Swamp Village
I have included brand new structures to minecraft! For now I have included the Cherry Grove Village and Swamp village, but with time I will add more villages (Meadow and Jungle).
The Cherry Village can be found with the command /locate structures vsrevamped:village_cherry.
The Swamp Village can be found with the command /locate structures vsrevamped:village_swamp
These structures are completely replaced so you can find them with the /locate command or sites such as
- Plains Village
- Savanna Village
- Desert Village
- Taiga Village
- Snowy Village
- Pillager Outpost
These structure can be found with the help of sites such as chunkbase. All vanilla structures are replaced with my custom ones. However the /locate command will sometimes teleport you to the nearest "non vanilla" structure. These buildings are hardcoded into minecraft so I can't replace only their normal spawns.
DISCLAIMER!! Strongholds can't always be found with sites such as chunkbase. They can still be found with the /locate command and with Eyes of Ender. I have also made them rarer but infinite (vanilla minecraft is limited to 128 strongholds).
- Desert Pyramid
- End cities
- Jungle Pyramid
- Swamp Hut
- Strongholds
When I update my datapack you can delete the old datapack and install the new one. Every new village will be generated with the updated datapack.
If you want to use only the villages from this datapack, check out my other datapack Villages Revamped.