Version 1.4
The pack has now been updated to 1.21.4! Besides porting to the new recipe format and adding recipes for the new stuff I made some changes and rebalances to better reflect the cost of items (signs are drastically more expensive so I increased the output a bit)
- Changed recipes for Pale Oak stuff
- Changed recipe for Creaking Heart
- Changed recipe for End Crystal
- Changed output count of various recipes
- Various recipes that required a specific wood type will now take all wood types (kinda just felt like it went against the point of the pack?)
- Changed Calibrated Sculk Sensor recipe
- Changed Netherite Ingot recipe
- Stone Tools can take various stone and slab types (polished deepslate and blackstone)
Report any issues with recipes to the discord and I'll make a hotfix.
Version 1.3: Refinements n' Stuff
Here's a new version or whatever because I'm obsessed with changing stuff.
Pack Changes
- Updated the Advancements to start with crafting a Crafting Table, added some new advancements, and editted a few others.
- Evokers now have a 50% chance to drop a Totem of Undying.
- Iron Golems now drop between 5 and 7 Iron Nuggets.
- Wither Skeletons have a 1% chance to drop a Skull, boosted by 1% per level of looting.
- Added Flint & Steel Recipe
- Changed Crossbow Recipe
- Other Stuff I forgot to document but it's there.
v1.2: New Horizons
Another update to the best pack in the world! This time with an exciting change that expands the definition of inconveniencing beyond just crafting recipes.
Meta Changes
- Updated the text on the resource pack screen to include the version # and have some color!
Pack Updates
Sheep Drops
Sheep must now be sheared in order to obtain their wool. Killing them will only drop Mutton.
Recipe Changes
Adjusted recipe to be a tad cheaper and less ugly.
Adjusted recipe to use Amethyst Shards in some places where Copper Ingots were.
New Recipes
Dried Kelp
A block of Dried Kelp is now crafted into eight Dried Kelp to compensate for the string in the Dried Kelp Block Recipe. This does NOT return the string.
Hay Bale
Similarly to Dried Kelp Blocks, Hay Bales take eight Wheat and one String to craft.
Hay Bales now yield eight Wheat when crafted. This does NOT return the String.
Now uses Red Concrete Powder instead of Sand and has String in the recipe.
v1.1: Stick to the Plan
Here's the pack updated for 1.21! Apparently I have been uploading the files completely wrong up until now, so uhmmmm, that happened. But anyway here it is! There are also a lot of recipe updates.
Meta Updates
- Datapack Version now 48.
- Modified a few advancements, especially one that was trying too hard to be funny.
Recipe Updates
- Hanging Signs now use Signs in their recipes.
- Beds use Oak Planks instead of an Oak Slab.
- Modified Redstone Repeater recipe.
- Modified Redstone Comparator recipe.
New Recipes
- Candle
- Beehive
- Rail
- Powered Rail
- Compass
- Clock
- Anvil
- Armor Stand
- Cauldron
- Dispensers
- Droppers
- Iron Trapdoor (was missing)
v1.0: Release
This is a finished version of the pack! I have added most of the recipes I wanted and incorporated advancements, so that's about it. It will still be updated but most of the work from here on out will just be refinements and upkeep. (this is a lie)
With this update, there are now 163 changed recipes (including Wood and Dye variations), so yay!
Meta Updates
- Datapack Version now 47.
- Added Advancements to the pack, guiding you through some of the most important and significant new recipes.
- Created a github ( where you can report any issues, there shouldn't be any, though. This is mostly just practice for bigger projects I want to tackle in the future.
Recipe Updates
- Stone Tool recipes adjusted.
- Barrel recipe adjusted.
- Jukebox recipe adjusted.
- Mace recipe adjusted.
- Netherite Ingot recipe adjusted.
New Recipes
- Mushroom Stew
- Rabbit Stew
- Beetroot Soup
- Crafting Table
- Furnace
- Blast Furnace
- Eye of Ender
b3.0: Forgery & Tinkery
This update includes various changes to gear and redstone crafting recipes as well as some meta updates.
Meta Changes
- Datapack version now 45.
- Added pack cover image.
Changed Recipes
- Boats now require two extra slabs in their recipe.
- Brewing Stands now require two slabs on the edges.
- Shields now cost four Iron Ingots instead of two.
New Recipes
- Redstone Lamp
- Redstone Comparator
- Redstone Repeater
- Target
- Piston
- Jukebox
- Dropper
- Dispenser
- Crafter
- Iron Door
- Iron Trapdoor
- Campfire
- Soul Campfire
- Soul Lantern
- Beds
- Signs
- Hanging Signs
- Pumpkin Pie
- Beacon
- Diamond Tools
- Iron Armor
- Gold Armor
- Turtle Shell
- Diamond Armor
b2.0: Supplements
This update includes some miscellaneous recipe and meta changes. Nothing major.
- Datapack version now 44 for 24w20a.
- New Gallery Photos!
Changed Recipes
- Changed Stone Tool recipes to use Stone Slabs.
- Smithing Tables now take an Iron Axe and Shears.
New Recipes
- All Boats
- Netherite Ingot
- Spyglass
- Calibrated Sculk Sensor
- Shield
- Daylight Detector
- Copper Door
- Copper Trapdoor
- Item Frame
- Chest
- Lantern
- Scaffolding
- Respawn Anchor
The next update will include inconvenient armor recipes, redstone components, and hopefully diamond tools!