(progetto multiverso) ultra mod

(progetto multiverso) ultra mod


This mod adds many new RPG features to the game

Client and server AdventureCursedEquipmentMagic Mobs

Created3 months ago
Updated3 months ago

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There are many new features in this mod including weapons, biomes, mobs and more. Below are further details

In the alpha version, races for 2 players are ready: demons and curses, and a demonic entity the oni is also available



l'oni è un demone di media potenza. Se ti troverai nelle sue soluzioni otterrai un effetto di lentezza, debolezza e allucinazioni,

Se vieni attaccati, la tua lentezza e debolezza aumenteranno, verrà aggiunto un effetto di cecità e le allucinazioni saranno più frequenti, inoltre gli oni si teletrasporteranno dietro di te

Se rimani nell'area oni troppo a lungo riceverai un jumpscare oni picture oni jumpscare


the demon is one of the classes that can be used by the player, it is very strong but lacks energy, demons can use the blood manipulation technique and are also the only ones who can eat human flesh to regenerate



Blood Arrow: Creates a very fast blood arrow that pierces opponents and poisons them

Self-destruction: (! ATTENTION! ⚠️ use this technical only in extreme cases, because it kills the player anyway) heats your blood to explode and take away as many enemies as possible

Kagune: Tentacles grow from the user's back, piercing all nearby enemies


curses are very powerful creatures that have a high amount of usable energy but have low speed, they are the only ones that can absorb sucuna's fingers to increase their base power



Incomplete Domain Expansion: Plunges a portion of the world into a fog that damages and kills enemies

lapse blue: a sphere of blue energy that attracts all mobs to the player, attracted mobs take kinetic damage

Jade Dogs: Creates 2 dogs that help players kill enemies

all the skills can also be upgraded up to level 3 and there are also some transformations but since it's in alpha there aren't many things yet, but every update or change to the mod I'll post a discord (channel #annunci) and on X

discord: https://discord.gg/GesJecdG

X twitter: https://twitter.com/Gabry_2317_

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID