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More Density Functions

Like the title says, this is a utility mod that adds more density functions types for data pack developers. With these additions, you will be able to do things that were previously impossible with the vanilla density function types.

Functions Added, check the Wiki for more details

  1. Ceil
  2. Floor
  3. Round
  4. Signum
  5. Direct X, Y, and Z coordinate outputs
  6. X/Z Clamped Gradients
  7. Sine
  8. Power
  9. Reciprocal
  10. Floor Division
  11. Division
  12. Floor Modulo
  13. Modulo
  14. Shifting (for functions)
  15. Subtract
  16. Negation

Future Additions

  1. Add Neo/Forge support
  2. Add more functions (Pull requests appreciated! Or just general suggestions on the source code). I currently plan on adding...
    • A Derivative Function???
  3. Bug Fixing
    • Some DFs don't properly accept density functions or apply positioning.

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID