


Improving Vanilla Experience and Performance

Client and server OptimizationUtility

Created2 years ago
Updated2 days ago

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Add support for Lithium

Use the Fabric block appearance API (Should enable compatability with mods adding connected textures).

Refactored code, moving common code into superclasses.


  • Added capability for the Room Controller to mimic colors of blocks that use a ColorProvider
  • Made model handling simpler

Fix compatability with Sodium. NOTE: To run with Sodium, you MUST install Indium.

Fix upconversion from 1.20.4 to 1.21

Updated internal build of LibGUI.

Update to 1.21.

NOTE: Contains a custom build of LibGUI, as it is not yet released for 1.21. May have stability issues. Please report any issues you experience.

Update to 1.20.4

Update to 1.19.4

Changes block entities and network packets to use bytes instead of full integers, compacting them. Rooms still use full integers.

Fix bug causing crash with Room Controller.

Update to 1.19.3. Huge changes: Entities and BlockEntities now cache which room they are in, only changing when they move or when the room itself changes or is when the room is removed.

Fixed bug with Room Controllers not loading data when the world was opened. Added config file and config screen.

Update to 1.19.2. Room controllers do not entirely work on servers.

New additions: Pull Hopper, and Sticky Hopper

The Pull Hopper is similar to the Bit Hopper, but it can also pull from the tile entity above it. It still cannot pick up dropped items, however, nor will it interact with minecart chests.

The Sticky Hopper functions identically to the Pull Hopper, except it will keep an item in every slot. This has practical uses as a filter.

Added Bit Hopper! Huge thanks to LemmaEOF for letting me use the original spritework and models!

Expect Pull Hoppers, Screw Hoppers, and Sticky Hoppers to be coming soon.


  • Reduced allocation pressure (uses slightly less memory for each Room Controller)
  • Now works on servers!

Fixed Worldgen Issues

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID