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CustomNPC+ 1.9





  • Entire Party System!! SEE GITHUB WIKI
  • TEXTURE REVAMP for ALL ITEMS to more Modern Look
  • Client Side Animation Cache
  • Animations now also have an ID
  • /kam animation to play animations on a player via a command
  • Brand new configs in mixins.cfg to disable and enable animation functionality.
  • First Person Animation rendering
  • Timeline Viewer for all Animations Frames [with Color Picker for categorizing]
  • Dialog / Quest / Sound / Texture Selection Revamped with new Dynamic Popup Selection
  • Dialog Test Button for directly testing dialogs from within the GUI
  • Script Syntax Highlighting
  • Quest Log Categories are now SCROLLABLE :closed_book:
  • Factions GUI now displays 2 columns and is fully hideable in the config/CustomNpcPlus/client.cfg
  • Settings Tab
  • Clear Quest Tracking
  • Clear Skin Cache
  • Modify Quest Tracking [Position, Offset, and Scale]
  • For Dialogs with Noise and Gradual Speed - Edit Values
  • Hide Chat Bubbles / Alert Banners / Chat Info Message
  • Party Tab (read party changes)
  • Hoverable Text in all GUI Lists (Now you can see values fully)
  • Code Highlighting in Scripting Menu
  • /kam command [ScriptedCommandName] to run Scripted Commands via a normal comamand
  • New APIs for added content: IParty, IHitBoxData, ITintData, IMark,
  • IRoleFollower
  • Combat Policy API
  • SET/GET Melee Range, Swing Warmup, Knockback, Aggro Range
  • ILine for Attack, Killed and World Lines
  • Better Hotkey Handling Ctrl + X, C, V, Z, Y... etc
  • Mouse Drag selection in Script GUI.
  • Banned Scripting Classes editable in the main.cfg
  • IVillager for modifying Villager Trading
  • IScreenSize for sending Client Screen Size to Server
  • URL Support on **Capes **and Overlays
  • Spawner Job 2 new AI Variations (Spawns on Summoner Death, Kills Spawns when Summoner Dies)
  • Blocks can now be used in Banners / Hanging Banners / Signs
  • /kam is the same as /kamkeel
  • /kam questcat command
  • /kam dialogcat command
  • /kam overlay command
  • /kam config market allows for Market conversion from JSON to DAT filetype similar to /kam config playerdata, The Market Dat feature must also be enabled within the main.cfg
  • 3 New Shield Types: Frost, Mithril, Demonic Full Variations
  • Added Pounce as a Leap option for NPCs. So now you have Jump and Pounce (Pounce is way further)
  • Friendly Fire and Party Configs for enabling / disabling functionality
  • Better naming for CNPC+ related mobs in Entity Selector
  • Enhanced Build Gradle
  • 2 New Tail Types Monkey (Remade to look like DBC's Tail) and Fox Tail
  • Marks from 1.12
  • Tint Modification Settings
  • Hitbox Modification Settings
  • New Permissions (Printed to Console on Start)
  • Multi-Commands broken up by @x
  • Combat Policy System -> See Discord for Details


  • Clicking through Animation Deletion Bug
  • Animations and Armors Desyncing
  • Animations slowing down and speeding up
  • Animations now playing in different dimensions
  • Mouse Scroll working in all scrollable text areas
  • Quest Dialog Selector popping off of screen
  • Trader GUI Setup cutoff
  • Autocomplete Quest Tracking no longer displays an NPC name
  • Top Alignment Dialog Fix
  • Dialog Image Positioning Fix
  • Shift Clicking in Carpentry Bench now updates client inventory
  • getWorld for End and Nether Fix
  • Script Book not hooking Book and Quill
  • getIRoleType returning wrong values
  • npc.updateEntity() to fix dimension ID error for updateClient [fixes existing NPCs]
  • getStoredDataKeys Crash
  • Scripted Particles spawned on summoners player not at proper Y Value
  • Resizing Scripting GUI clears Script
  • Scripted Items being dropped and bobbing in items frames
  • Melee Swing and RangedLaunch Event not being called
  • Custom GUI Item Slots not registering
  • getLeftItem Typo Fix. Both misspelled and correctly spelled are available
  • Inventory Tab Offset Issue
  • Fix Remote Freeze Button not showing the correct option
  • Removed Nashorn Size of Object Dependancy for Java 17 Support
  • Buttons highlighting even when a Sub GUI is pulled up
  • Mouse Overlap Double Clicking buttons
  • World Lines spamming, now has cooldowns
  • Item Giver Job having shared cooldowns (if still broken remake item givers from scratch)
  • HD Textures not loading on NPCs
  • Dispenser Soulstone Crash
  • Kill Projectiles after 1 minute of lifetime
  • Quest Location Crash Fix
  • Scroll Tag Crash
  • 3D Layer Duplicate for Chestplate
  • Spawner Job NPC Bouncing
  • Spawner Job "X" Button
  • DBC Add Bonus Crash
  • Singleplayer Cache not clearing
  • Imgur Redirect Links


CustomNPC-Plus-1.9.jar(12.16 MiB) Primary Download
CustomNPC-Plus-1.9-nomixin.jar(11.24 MiB) Download

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Client side
Server side
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