Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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1.1 Update List:
- Energy Capsule system has been reworked
It no longer has duration time, which means as long as it has a enderite crystal inside it will keep generating the field.
Active energy capsule's can be emptied with a right click, it will empty out the crystal inside from the bottom of the block.
The size of the capsule's energy field has also been increased, instead of 6x6x6 now it will generate on a 12x12x12 area.
While it's active, if it has non-activated enderite block above it will stop generating the field.
Bounding box of the block has been fixed.
Fixed an unintentional bug where field blocked players block placement&breaking&interaction.
Players can no longer place blocks on top or the side of the field in the air.
Creative tab changes.
Retextures for energy capsule items.
Enderite armor retextures.
Minor code fixes
Enderite Crystal Ore generating chance increased (%10 -> %15)
Enderite Crystal Ore now spawns 4-12 valued xp orbs instead of the old fixed number of 6.
Enderite Sword's launching ability has nerfed. (Normal Mobs: 17 blocks -> 12 blocks, Players: 8.5 blocks -> 6 blocks)
Enderite Pickaxe's passive ability has nerfed. Breaking a block has %50 chance of spawning a exp orb with (No Enchantment: 4 -> 2) value now. (Fortune I : 6 -> 4) (Fortune II : 7 -> 5) (Fortune III : 8 -> 6)
Fixed a massive oversight with enderite axe and some code fixes for the item.
Enderite hoe now will now only consume xp and bonemeal the crop if player is sneaking.
Enderite hoe's cooldown timer has decreased (5sec -> 2.5sec)
Enderite shovel can no longer interact with; end_portal_frame,end_portal,end_gateway,nether_portal_block.
Enderite pickaxe can no longer interact with; end_portal_frame,end_portal,end_gateway,nether_portal_block.
Stack size of tool pieces are decreased to 16.
13 new end related blocks.
Medium sized meteors can generate in 2-3 clusters now.
Large sized meteors can generate in 1-2 clusters now.
Meteors no longer generate around the main end island.
New Structures: Fallen End Ship Ruins;
2 types of fallen ships can be found, one will only have a single end city chest loot, and the other will have some enderite ores that player can mine.
Enderite carrying fallen ship ruin can only be found in end_midlands
Loot carrying fallen ship ruin can be found more frequently because it can generate both on end_midlands and end_highlands
New Structure: End Gateway Station
Can be found in end_midlands and end_highlands
New Structure: Vault
Will have a 2x2 activated end portal inside of it that player can use to go back to home.
Can only be found in end_highlands
- English translation has added.
- Turkish translation has corrected in some items&stuff.
- Removed unused concepts.
- Removed low exp warning.
Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
Game versions
44Publication date
June 15, 2024 at 12:04 PMPublisher
