Minecraft: Java Edition
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This mod adds strong and challenging undead mobs. This mod makes Minecraft very challenging, and the new mobs give you the choice to escape instead of fighting. They are pretty scary too, but fear not! All these zombies have their own weaknesses which you can exploit and defeat them with ease! (If you want to include this mod into your modpack just add the mod's link to your page and that's fine) All of these mobs have many different skills like ramming, exploding, and much more.

NOTE: Playing with shaders may cause animations to often bugged out, and it’s ugly trust me. ( Try turning off entity shadows if you still insist on using the shaders)

You will see mobs posing like this chasing you


Use Incontrol mod for spawn rate changing.
I highly recommend these mods since I am using MCreator.
I have also planned on making configs files. I apologize that there is no configs file right now.

True zombie

The Bomber (True zombie)

- Hp: 30 (spawn anywhere in the overworld)
- Attk: 3
- Attributes: Resistant to knockback
- Speed: quite fast
- Sp: Explodes and splatters goos on the victim's face.
- Note: It will usually jump 2 times before exploding. (The timer resets if the target isn't close enough) Hitting them when they are going to explode will make them burst instantly.

The Spitter (True zombie)

- HP: 8 (spawn anywhere in the overworld)
- Attk: 4-30
- Speed: speedy
- Sp: hides underground when there is no target
- Note: Their sight is worse than most zombies try using a bow when they haven't yet noticed you. Spitter has 2 texture variants which have burned clothes and mouth.
- Drops: They rarely drop an acid sack which you can throw spreading acid on impact. (Combine it with slime and you will get a Molotov called Napalm sack) The acid sack can also be crafted into a bowl in which you can put egg or snow gaining Debuff resistance which removes certain bad effects inflicted on your body. For a quick drink you can right click the bowl on water sources to get a tea. (Cauldron also works)

The Pregnant (True Zombie)

- HP: 80 (Spawns anywhere in the overworld)
- Melee dmg: 7+Knockback
- Puking: 4+poision
- Bodyslam dmg: 15
- SP: 1. Always spawns with 4 zombies on her side.
- Has the power to control monsters' minds such as spiders. zombies, skeletons, and more to fight against the host's target. (Moonflowers would also become immune to perfumes as well)
- Spotting an enemy from afar the pregnant will spawn Bidies to go after its target. (The pregnant will not summon any, if the target is too close)
- Upon dying she will slam her body on the ground dealing area damage.
- She also pukes as a way to stun her target though she would accidentally pukes on her minions most of the time.
- Weakness: She will take more physical damage if you set her on fire.

The Bidy (True Zombie)

- HP: 10 to 12 (Spawns anywhere in the overworld)
- Melee: 10 + explosion
- SP: 1. They will burrow underground and only appear once it is near the target.
- They may sometime emerge from the roof instead of the ground if there is one.
- They explode on contact. (Can be blocked)
- Upon dying it will start to bloat and then explode. (you can fling them away using any tools / Cannot be blocked)
- Tip: They make sounds when they emerge or move underground.

The Heavy/ The Grappler(True Zombie + Fire Dust)

- HP: 200 (spawns anywhere in the overworld)
- Speed: Fast ----------Attacks and Damages-----------
- Smash: 6+ sends you flying
- CounterPunch: 5 + Knockback
- Stone Throwing: 8 +FIre +Area damage
- Stone Smash: 8+ sends you flying + UNBLOCKABLE
- Stone Crashing Smash: 8+ sends you flying + Fire +Slowness affliction + UNBLOCKABLE
- Roar: 0 +Force player to be screen locked for a second + Spawns 10 Fire Crackles +send entities around it flying(not players)
- Sp: 1. The heavy can block your attacks, and may follow up with a counter punch. (he may also do a roar if his health is depleted below 75 percent)
- If you were to be too close to the mob while it is blocking you would be knockbacked attempting to attack.
- He will start using a roaring attack if the opponent abuses his blocking frames too much.
- Once he had picked up a boulder it could only be smashed 3 times before breaking spreading flaming area damage. (Boulder breaks instantly if thrown)
- He takes no damage when roaring
- Despite his ability to do fire attacks, he is not immune to fire
- His drop and tools are self-explanatory in their description. check out JEI dumbass. (Chainsword has 100 attacks speed!!!! and Primordial armor full set has no pants, tho you can wear any pants and still get fire attack buff)
- Note: fire attack buff applies to every type of damage including projectiles or a full swing from a sword(inflicting burns to multiple enemies). You can cut his arm off to weaken his blocks and counterpunches. (attack him right after he does a counter punch, but prepare for the consequences)
Made zombie

The Spectre (Made zombie)

- HP: 35+ thick armor (Certain snowy biomes)
- Attk: 4
- Speed: Certainly fast
- Sp: 1. Is always invincible (Temporarily disabled once taken damage)
- After getting attacked sometime they will rush toward you.
- Hitting them can also break their tanks, spreading the invincible smoke around and causing everything around it to become invisible. (So if you encounter them with other zombies avoid hurting it)
- They have a rare counterpart that has wounds over its body. (They are resistant to physical attack, tho they aren't invincible)
- Important Note: Spectre mob health stat has been decreased to 20 cuz his glowing eyes don't work on version 1.20.1. (else it'll be too difficult, and I'm too lazy too to make new abilities for compensation)

The Wheezer (Made zombie)

- Hp: 25 (spawn anywhere in the overworld)
- Attk: 3
- Speed: Normal
- Sp: Exhaling pink fumes block your vision and weaken your strength. (If the undead inhaled the fumes they will gain good effects) Also, the fumes can be blocked with a shield. Weaknesses: Setting them on fire instantly kills them. Will be decapitated if they are hit many times. (disabling them from using fume attacks)
- Lumber Variants: 1. Deals massive damage 2. Walk speed increased 3. Cannot be decapitated

The Rod (Made zombie)

- HP: 30 (spawns anywhere in the overworld)
- Speed: Boing Boing
- SP: Jumps towards the target slamming its big lightning rod on its prey. (Can be blocked)
- Weakness: They'll die instantly if they are exposed to thundering weather. (Upon dying from a lightning strike they will drop pils of ashes which you can right-click to get some gunpowder and XP) You can Knock/Parry them back when they are in mid-air using long-ranged weapons such as a crossbow or a bow. (If you have something like a long spear or gun would work too) btw you can also block their attacks by sending them back.
Demonic undead

The Moonflower (Demonic undead)

- HP: 30 (spawn anywhere in the overworld)
- Attk: 4
- SP: Can spot enemies from far away
- Weakness: 1. Using the Arapholia perfume on any mob will cause the Moonflower to target that mob. So this perfume bottle is a must-have when traveling at night as these mobs will come after your arse without it. 2. Has a chance of getting stunned if hit airborne.
- Note: The Arapholia flower is dropped from the Moonflower or spawns naturally on the plain or taiga biome. In eight-radius blocks the plant will randomly put the scent on mobs which causes the moonflower to go after it. (the scent from the flower doesn't work on undead mobs except if it was sprayed from the perfume bottle). The flower can also be brewed to give that same effect.
- Note 2: Rare chance of dropping a black petal block which can be used to inflict Scent on mobs depending on items put into the middle slot in 8 block area to on activation button click.(other slots are used for keeping stuff) Diamond = Player Rotten FLesh = Undeads Bones = Pets Apple = Any living beings String = Monsters (Except Moonflowers) Arapholia = Moonflowers

The Hunter (Demonic undead)

- HP: 16 (78+ heights in the overworld/ or underground)
- Attk: 4
- Speed: fast
- SP: Fully recovers itself after dealing damage. (except if it is blocked) These tricky bastards like to fly to confuse their target or avoid getting hit. (It is vulnerable when flying so try flanking them mid-air) After dealing damage to its target it will move/fly away for a second then come back again. Can break fences and doors. (Can be turned off)
- Weakness: when they are chasing you try going near the cliff or deep rivers so when they are flying they accidentally fell into it. (They can't stop mid-flight)
- Note: They love killing and eating animals so keep them safe."
Royal Hunters (Rare Variants)

- They are Basically Hunters who are more well-fed than other ones.(What's important is that these guys drop extra experiences)
- They are also a bit stronger than their lower counterparts.

The sucker (Demonic undead)

HP: 15 (78+ heights in the overworld)
Attk: 5
SP: they may look weak and squishy but if not taken care of quickly they can kill you really fast by rushing towards you and you cannot knock them back once they have done it. Drops Membranes that can be cooked to gain regeneration
Tips: If it is biting or latching on you try walking back to the lower ground because they cannot control the pitch when they are rushing. (if you can hear their sound but can’t see them it try looking up and I mean literally don't go on Google)
The Bigger Suck
- Special: Big Variant that spawns underground with more health and more drops.
- HP: 50 (Only in caves)
- Note: they usually spawn in huge groups making an appearance with a deafening flapping sound. (Avoidance is the preferable option)

The Clogger/ Piggy(Demonic Undead)

- HP: 95 (alive)/ 120 (Corpse) (spawns anywhere in the overworld)
- Speed: Boing Boing -------------Attacks and Damages------------
- Body slam: 8 +sends you flying (area damage)
- Body Launching: 12 +knockback +small chance of exploding
- SWALLOW: 12 +blockable +LOCK IN +GOO
- Sp: 1. They do not respawn or despawn. (This means you will have to travel further to fight more of them)
- They live hidden underground, ambushing his target.
- They will leave a corpse once they die attracting any zombies in 20 blocks radius to come and destroy the corpse. (120 hp) 4.They sometimes stop chasing you mid-fight(which he will later dig away and despawn if left alone), forcing you to get closer. (He is resistant to projectiles)
- Drops huge bones, flesh, slimes, and more after the corpse is destroyed. (also goo explosion inflicting goo effect) TIPS: 2 iron golems should be able to kill it
- It's much easier to fight them in open area, with no monsters nearby

The Lurker (True zombie)

NECROTH(True zombie)

- Hp: 15
- Speed: It flies
- Attack: 5 + WIther damage
Black Clouds spawn from Spawner Pillars

Either that or they spawn from The Dungeon himself

The Bruin (Vikings)

- HP: 50 (78+ heights in the overworld or snowy biomes)
- Attk: 10-13
- Sp: He has 2 attacks to smash or to impale which both are easily dodgeable. His attacks can also be parried like in this video
- Note: 1. His impaling attack has a longer reach with strong knockback, smashing just does a crazy amount of damage like a fricking moron.
- all his attacks can be parried
- ANOTHER NOTE IS THAT THE VIDEO IS OLD AND NO STUNNED ANIMATION OR ENRAGED MODE INCLUDED. Yes, the mob does have enraged mode and it will trigger if the mob's health is lower than 45 percent. The mob will gain more speed and use impaling attacks more frequently.

The Wolf (Vikings)

- HP: 50 (78+ heights in the overworld or snowy biomes)
- Attk: 2 up to 5
- SP: He has 3 attacks.
- Overhead swing (this attack does 2 damage alone) If the player is too close to the mob it will start swinging its axe rapidly and can sometimes use a side swing after it.
- Side swing (this attack does 4 damage alone) swinging left or right.
- Wind magic (this attack does 2 damage alone) summons windy blade which follows you. (can either be blocked or destroyed)
- Note: Both Wolf and Bruin drop Bostrox which can be crafted into armor that is extremely strong and gives you a strength buff with a downside that makes you slower when not running. (you also take extra damage if you are running) The Bostrox ore can also be found naturally in the lush cave.
- Tips: To stun him you must hit him instantly after he finishes any attacks

The Royal (Vikings)

- HP: 20 +Bostrox Armour (78+ heights in the overworld or snowy biomes)
- Melee: 7
- SP: 1. he will spawn with a pack of hunters which serves him.
- because he is wearing a full set of Bostrox armor he is extremely resistant to physical damage. (Including taking knockback because of the armor)
- Without hunters he is basically a reskinned husk, so bully him without any mercy.
- He has a chance to drop a legendary weapon which is called Brisk Attacker. 》Brisk attacker: Upon right-clicking it will summon an extremely powerful orb that pushes anything out of its path. (The downside is you would also get knock backed by it)
- He also drops tons of ores too or even a totem of undying
- Tip: Despite being almost invincible to physical attacks you can bypass the armor by using elemental damages. (He also takes extra damages from Bostrox Sword)

The Swarmer (Miscellaneous)

- HP: 45 (Spawns anywhere in the overworld)
- Attk: 3
- SP: Throw a bee box at the target which gives the effect which the target will be targeted by bees. (also his throwing accuracy isn't that great but remember that bees box deals area damage just if it is a direct hit you get extra damage)
- Note: The effect which makes you get targeted by bees is called Stinky Honey which not only can be afflicted for the bee box but also the mob's generic attack. (Its drop can be crafted into a spray which gives mob the effect)

The Immortal and The Greed (Miscellaneous)

- HP: 25 (spawns in sand and mud)
- Speed: fast
- Damage: 3
- SP: 80 percent chance of reappearing in the nearby area after dying. (Can be prevented by setting them on fire or getting it killed by an Iron Golem) Always hidden underground
- Note: 1. If you don't have fire attacks it is recommended that you run away after killing one. (Alternatively you can spawn kill it until it finally hit that odd 20 percent)
- They drop experiences if killed in burned form
- Weakness: fire, obviously
- Variants: The Greed
- 3 percent of spawning naturally (when an Immortal die, this also counts)
- Isn’t immortal
- May also spawn from empty graves (extremely rarely)
- Have fixed drops 4 gold ingots and 2 diamonds
- runs away upon spotting a player. (May retaliate if chased)
- Getting attacked by one of them could confirm your death. (You will be faced with a curse that causes extreme starvation, to fight it you need to eat nonstop until you see your food bar reappear again)

The Skeeper

- HP: 35 (Spawns anywhere in the overworld)
- Attk: 3
- SP: Throw a Fly Nest which spawns tons of Somnolence flies. (also his throwing accuracy isn't that great but remember that Bees Box deals area damage just if it is a direct hit you get extra damage)
- Note: You can also craft yourself a Somnolences nest block using its rare drop, or can be rarely traded from Wandering Traders. -----------How to farm somnolence flies-----------------
- Plant the block near your farm animals.
- Can be harvested once reached stage 3
- Craft them into a Tranquilizing smoke bomb which can put any mob into sleep sleepwalking state!!!!! note: The fy nest itself also gives off light as a decoration when in later stages as decorations.


- HP: 50
- Attack: Sets Target On Withering Fire
- SP: 1. Allow Necroth to spawn in 128 blocks Area 2. Buffs nearby monsters (64 blocks) 3. Lives in small dungeon rooms 4. Knock back attackers
- Tips: Outrange him with a bow --------------DROP USEFUL MASKS-------------
- The Guardian: knocks back the attacker if you're sneaking (4 blocks area)
- The Caster: Any of your attacks of any form will set mobs on Withering fire (Activated When Sneaking)
- The Null: Nullify WIther Effect. (Unless it's The Dungeon's Fire)
Fire Dust

The Ordure (Fire Dust)

- HP: 25 (Spawns anywhere that has a roof)
- Attk: 8 +fire
- SP: spawn explosive fire crackles when spotted the target. Upon dying it will fall down and explodes.(60 damage maximum)
- Weakness: Water will extinguish the fire crackles.
- Note: They have 3 texture variants
- Normal version (dust gray)
- Lushcave (Fruity green)
- Wooden (White mold)

The Glitter (cave-adapted version of Moonflower) (Fire dust+ Demonic undead)

- HP: 40 (spawns deep underground)
- Speed: slightly faster than average (Slower than Moonflowers)
- Melee: 3
- SP: Can spot enemies from far away and inflict fire upon attacking Unlike Moonflowers Perfumes don't affect them. Resistant to Knockback
- Weakness: Has a chance of getting stunned if hit airborne.
- Note: Basicallt tankier version of Moonflower. Despite being able to do fire attacks, they are not immune to fire.

The Horrors (Universal discrepancies being)

- Hp: 45 (spawn anywhere in the overworld)
- Attk: 12
- Speed: fast
- Sp: Warping in and out of existence can inflict blindness upon getting hit. Spawn decoys when they see their target.
- Note: The mob can still attack you in its invisible form so it's best to look on your feet because when they move they leave Ender dragon breath trails. The decoys also spawn naturally to spook you out.
- Weaknesses: When near the light source the real one will be spotted. (but not when it's invisible tho) The decoys can be killed using water. (Useful when encountering them in tight caves) The Real one also takes extra knockback. (So it can stay hidden, but you can try use this as your advantage)

The Somnolence

- Hp: 15 (Deep Cave)
- Attk: 3 (Sleep Walking Infliction)
- Speed: fast (It flies)
- Sp: Has a chance of putting the target into a sleepwalking state. (Either that or it just gives you a dark effect)
