Minecraft: Java Edition
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NOTE: worlds that previously had older versions of Mo' Creatures Legacy may experience issues if this version is loaded into that world, this is because a lot of changes were made to the code since the previous versions. It is safer to create a new world if using this version for the first time.
Fixed EnderIO tooltips not showing for MoC weapons. Also fixed MoC weapons not able to be enchanted through an enchanting table.
Fixed silver sword texture.
Added horse meat drop integration with the Food Expansion mod and Improving Minecraft mod. If GregTech6 is not installed and any of these mods are loaded, normal Mo' Creatures horses will drop horse meat from those mods. The priority for horse meat drops are 1 - Food Expansion. 2 - Improving Minecraft.
Fixed MoC weapons and armor not repairable with their materials in an anvil. Note: scorpion swords are repaired using diamonds.
Fixed bear spawning in desert.
Fixed naming GUI positioning with different GUI scales.
Improved food item detection code for creatures that eat dropped items.
Fixed naming GUI displaying when feeding a tamed fox or raccoon.
Added GregTech6, Palm's Harvest, and more Biomes O' Plenty Item Integration for Taming and Feeding items using Ore Dictionaries: Ore Dictionaries with the "listAll" prefix apply to GregTech6, Biomes O' Plenty and Palms Harvest. They may also work with other mods as well. All other Ore Dictionaries here are from GregTech 6.
Big Cat: listAllmeatraw, foodScrapmeat
Bunny: listAllveggie
Bird: foodRaisins, listAllseed
Ostrich (feeding only): foodRaisins, listAllseed
Horse (feeding only): listAllwheats, listAllgrain, itemGrass , itemGrassDry
Elephant (feeding only): listAllfruit, listAllwheats, listAllgrain, itemGrass, itemGrassDry
Fox (feeding only): foodScrapmeat
Komodo Dragon (feeding only): listAllmeatraw, foodScrapmeat
Wyvern (feeding only): foodScrapmeat
Snake (feeding only) : foodScrapmeat
Deers now drop hide instead of fur. Also added Twilight Forest venison drops for deer.
Added new feeding items for fishy and small fish:
- Any vanilla MC seeds
- Et Futurum Requiem: Beetroot seeds
- Biomes O' Plenty: Kelp
- Palms Harvest: Seaweed
- Any item in GregTech 6 oredictionary: "foodRaisins"
Added more Tropicraft feeding item integration: - Elephant: Coconut chunks, Pineapple chunks. OreDictionary: listAllFruit
Added more Palms Harvest item integration:
- Elephant (feeding only): Coconut
- Panda: Bamboo Shute
Fixed pet bird always flapping wings when on player's head. Pet birds now only flap their wings when they are making the player glide.
Fixed Dolphin speed.
The following creatures now defend their owner if their owner is attacked by an entity:
- Big Cats
- Pet Scorpions
- Snakes
- Wyverns
- Komodo Dragons
- Sharks
- Elephants
Added config option to control whether special pets defend their owners.
Fixed big cat speed and health.
Tweaked rider position on dolphins.
Fixed dolphins sinking when ridden even if they are not diving down.
Fixed texture bug at the bottom of big cat mouths.
Tamed baby lions now have a chance to grow up into either tamed male lions or tamed female lions.
Werewolves now hunt villagers.
Fixed werewolves taking damage from snowball and egg projectiles.
Dire Wolves now attack players regardless of whether it is night or day.
Fixed Werewolf health not changing when in human form and wolf form. Also, fixed werewolf taking real damage when transforming.
Fixed kitty looking at player when kitty is sleeping.
The following pets can now be healed using the following items in addition to their previous items:
- Turtles: "listAllveggie" (ore dictionary), "listAllfruit" (oredictionary)
- Pet Scorpion: rotten flesh, scrap meat (GregTech 6)
Feeding a pet with one of it's normal food items now no longer instantly heals them to full health. However, feeding essences to a pet scorpion, or the same type of essence to an essence created horse or ostrich will still heal them to full health.
Fixed bear and elephant health.
Fixed bear eyes.
Fixed predator creatures not destroying drops when destroy drops is enabled. Also, now all predators heal themselves slightly if they kill prey and destroy it's drops.
Dire Wolves and Werewolves now heal themselves slightly when they kill prey.
Black and Brown bears, Raccoons, Foxes, and Komodo Dragons now eat food items that are on the ground if they are below max health.
Angry bees will now spawn if a player breaks a hive from the Palm's Harvest Mod.
Fixed elephant speed. Fixed ostrich health and speed. Fixed Wyvern health.
Ownership of tamed pets can no longer be stolen by other players using amulets or medallions. Players will now need to use scrolls to transfer or remove their ownership. Also, pets can now only be whipped or renamed by their owners. If a player tries to whip a tamed predator creature and they are not the owner of the creature, that creature will attack that player.
If a tamed special creature (mostly predators) is attacked by a player and that player is not the owner of that creature, that creature will now attack that player.
Pets can no longer be renamed using a book or a name tag, kitties can also no longer be tamed using a book or a name tag. The items for these uses is now only the medallion.
Added language file dependency for the max number of pets reached chat notification. Excluding the chat messages for MoC commands, this marks the completion of full language file dependency for all texts from the original Mo' Creatures mod.
Decreased health of all insects except crabs to 2HP.
Added drops for the following mobs: Deer: venison (if palms harvest is installed)
Fixed transparent spots in all medium fish. Improved texture of salmon.
Improved fishing for small fish, fishy, and medium fish. If these creatures are reeled in after biting a fishing hook, they will now be instantly turned into an item in the player's inventory.
Improved fishing for fishable creatures. Now reeling in the fish is just like vanilla minecraft.
Small fish, fishy, and medium fish now have a chance to be force hooked on to a fishing rod by a player throwing the fishing hook at them without the fish willingly biting the hook. But this method of catching fish takes more durability damage on the fishing rod than if the player were to wait for the fish to bite the hook.
Improved meaningfulness of identifiers in all entity base classes. Also slightly improved the efficiency of For loops in those classes.
Fixed werewolf not recognizing golden shovel as one of their weakness items.
More improvements to meaningfulness of identifiers in entity classes and proxy classes.
Reduced golden shovel weakness damage to werewolf to 3.
Silver skeleton now only run fast if they see an entity to attack (eg: player).
Blocks thrown by Mini Golems and Big Golems will now instantly turn into solid blocks when they hit the ground. This can be disabled by setting the gamerule doMobGreifing to false.
Mini Golems are now no longer able to pickup and throw liquid blocks (eg placeable water block, placeable lava block).
Fixed pandas and bear cubs dragging themselves around when sitting.
Fixed duck not floating in water. Fixed duck flapping wings in water.
Fixed mole having a shadow on the surface when it is digging undergound.
Fixed already spawned scorpions changing their type when they walk into an area where another type of scorpion spawns.
Scorpions now no longer drop string.
The following creatures now accept food from the "listAllfishraw" oredictionary:
- Big Cat
- Piranha
- Dolphin
- Shark
- Komodo Dragons
- Kitty (only when angry to calm down)
Komodo Dragons now accept rotten flesh as a food item.
Wyverns now accept Harvestcraft raw rabbit as a food item.
Fixed the land predators that are supposed to hunt fish not hunting fish if they are in rivers.
Slightly increased the whip interaction distance.
Fixed zebra shuffle! Tamed zebras now only dance when a zebra record is put in a jukebox nearby. Also readded feature of other MoC Horses nodding their head when the zebra record is played nearby. If you remove the zebra record before it has finished playing or if you change the record in the jukebox to another record before it has finished, shuffling for horses will still continue for a 1-3 minutes, afterwards the horse will still return to normal. If you want to instantly stop the horse shuffling without waiting for the zebra record to finish, you can break the jukebox and it will stop all shuffling horses nearby.
Fixed jukebox not timing out by itself if it is playing the zebra record and there are shuffling horses nearby.
Fixed kitty rotation when picked up by players on the players shoulders.
If any of the following creatures are attacked by a player that is not the owner of that creature, and that player then tries to mount that creature. The following creatures will now drop that player off their back:
- Horse (special horses only)
- Elephant
- Komodo Dragon
- Pet Scorpion
- Wyvern
Fixed the following textures:
- Lioness neck
- Panda eyes
- Silver Skeleton blades
- Dire Wolf lips
- Werewolf lips
Tweaked the textures of the following achievement icons:
- Bird Tamer
- Nightmare Horse
- Fairy Horse
- Pegasus
- Dark Pegasus
Added drops for the following creatures (only if Exotic Birds mod is Installed):
- Bird: small bird meat
- Duck small bird meat
Made the Creeper Extension entity be under the the vanilla minecraft mobs label.
Now only the owner of the pet or an Opped player can use a scroll on a tamed creature.
Added Witchery werewolf replacement integration.
Fixed spawning biome spawning integration with Netherlicious!
Removed config option for using scroll of reset owner since only opped players can use this item.
Added config option to control whether to use 16x Mo' Creatures textures or the original Mo' Creatures textures. This feature works on the client side, allowing players to customize this setting for themselves regardless of whether they are the owner of the world/server without affecting that world/server.
Dire wolves and Mo'Creatures Legacy werewolves no longer hunt players if the player is in werewolf form from the Witchery mod. But if you transform only after they see you as a target they will continue attacking you, so you will need to transform far away from Dire wolves and werewolves to approach them without them attacking you.
Simplified the code for Dire wolves and Werewolves hunting.
Players that are in werewolf form from the witchery mod can now no longer interact with creatures. To interact with creatures, werewolf players must be in human form.
Tidied up the code for generating config files.
Put the kitty bed texture back in it's original place.
Removed emissive texture for anglerfish to maximize compatibility with both Mo'Creatures texture packs and the option to switch between the 16x and original Mo' Creatures textures.
Added replacement for Witchery player wolf forms (only applies to player werewolves that are level 7 and above). Also added a config option to control this.
Added brown variant for dire wolves.
Added config option to select the color for player wolf and werewolf forms for witchery. This option is not unique to players, the color that is chosen will affect the wolf and werewolf forms for all players in a world/server.
Players can no longer interact with Mo' Creatures entities if they are in wolf or werewolf form from the Witchery mod.
Dire wolves, werewolves, and Mo' Creatures integration werewolves now defend max level werewolf players (if the player is in wolf or werewolf form) from entities that attack them.
Fixed fire werewolf not being immune to fire.
Dire wolves, werewolves, and Mo' Creatures integration werewolves will now no longer fight back if attacked by a werewolf player (if the player is in wolf or werewolf form).
NOTE: Dire wolves, werewolves, and Mo' Creatures integration werewolves will attack the player if they are in wolf form and are below level 7. They will never attack a player that is in werewolf form or if a player is in wolf form and they are level 7 or above.
Fixed dire wolves, Werewolves, and Mo' Creatures integration werewolves continuing to attack the player after they have just transformed into wolf or werewolf form.
Werewolves that attack a max level werewolf player before they turn to wolf or werewolf form will suffer the death of shame. ( If a werewolf that attacks a max level werewolf player before they turn into wolf or werewolf form, and that player then turns to wolf or werewolf form, the werewolf that attacked that max level werewolf player will kill themselves ).
The following creatures now have attack damages that change with the world difficulty:
- Dire wolf
- Werewolf
- Witchery integration werewolf
Witchery integration werewolves now have the following varients: white, black, and brown.
Added Russian language file. Thanks to Hudhand for the translation.
Returned elephants' bulldozer ability to it's original state from Mo' Creatures.
Added the following items from the following mods as food & tame items for panda:
- Growthcraft: Bamboo
- Plant Mega Pack: All bamboo variants
Added config option to control whether wraiths go through walls.
Added config option to control whether maggots, snails, and jellyfish drop slimeballs.
Added config option to control pet health display modes:
- 0 = Do not show health bar for pets
- 1 = Always show health bar for pets
- 2 = Only show health bar for pets if they are hurt
Added config option to control whether creatures can be mounted or picked up only with a free hand or with items in hand as well.
Readded ability for players to ride a non-flying mount with a creature picked up or on their head. You will first need to pickup the pickable creature and then mount the mountable creature. This maybe a bit tricky to do for pickable creatures that are in the player's hand or on the player's shoulder.
Fixed black and brown bears only hunting player during night.
Added rare giant panda variants as a config option.
Added werewolf weakness damage from Witchery silver bolt for werewolves and Witchery integration werewolves. This will only work if the player has silver bolts in their inventory without any other types of bolts in their inventory.
Improved readability of interact code for horse by separating it into multiple functions.
Kitties that have been bred now only spawn one baby kitty. Baby kitties that are created from breeding will now prompt the owner to name them.
Bright green snakes no longer spawn in swamps, the spawns for these in swamps have been replaced with the dark brown/green snake.
Fixed kitty rotation and position for when kitty is on kitty bed and giving birth.
Fixed maggot model stretching out too much when hit.
Kitties now no longer attack the player if they haven't been fed too often. Kitties will still attack the player if they have been fed and can't find an unused litter box or if the player attacks them or if the player attacks a baby kitty. Kitties can still be pacified if angry by feeding them cooked fish.
Ostriches now no longer spawn in the outback biome from Biomes O' Plenty.
Increased dark pegasus speed to now only be slightly under the speed of a fairy horse. The original Mo' Creatures dark pegasus was as fast as a fairy horse. I've decided to keep the fairy horse as the fastest horse in it's original Mo' Creatures speed since it is harder to obtain than a dark pegasus (needing to sacrifice both a pure unicorn and pure pegasus to get it).
Fixed remove turkey if spawned in blacklisted biome event.
NOTE: Witchery player wolf form and player werewolf form replacements only works in single player. If used on servers it makes any werewolf players other than yourself be invisible when they are in wolf or werewolf form.
Fixed bunny rotation when picked up by player.
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Game versions
123Publication date
February 13, 2024 at 4:46 PMPublisher
