Minecraft: Java Edition
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WARNING: be careful if loading this version of the mod into an existing world. Some of the changes in this version could cause old versions of Mo' Creatures Legacy entities to bug out or be deleted.
Changed the Following Entity Names:
- ButterFly --> Butterfly
- DragonFly --> Dragonfly
- WildHorse --> Horse
Fixed entity spawn list config file not working.
Fixed kitty bed items all sharing one texture. All kitty bed items now have their own textures. The original kitty bed texture is now only used for the kitty bed achievement.
Sharks will now try to break any boats that have players in them. Because of this the only safe ways to travel through oceans are now is to ride a dolphin or to fly.
The sound effect for elephant tusks breaking is now the vanilla Minecraft tool breaking sound.
Improved meaningfulness of kitty code.
Readded Ents as a config option.
Added config option to register vanilla extensions under vanilla Minecraft label. This is set to false by default since it is incompatible with many mods.
Sharks now only try to break boats on hard difficulty. Also decreased the chance that sharks break the player's boat with each hit. If not aggravate, sharks now only have a 40% chance to target player's in boats. But if attacked they will straight away try to break that players boat. Boats broken by sharks now only drop sticks, this was done to improve compatibility with other mods that add boats.
Removed creeper extension. Vanilla MC creepers are now afraid of MoCreatures kitties.
Undead mobs no longer attack players if they are riding undead horses.
Fixed Mo'Creatures entities being attacked by mobs if there is a player riding them. Now mobs need to kill the player first to attack the mo creatures entity.
Pet scorpions now only accept crafted saddles and no longer use normal saddles.
Undead mobs will now ignore players riding an undead ostrich or scorpion.
Undead mobs are now neutral to the player if they are riding an undead mount.
Removed creeper extension from lang files.
Added ostriches and scorpions to /mocspawn command. Also fixed existing errors with the command.
Finished fixing Mo'Creatures mounts getting attacked by mobs when ridden.
All non-flying Mo'Creatures horses now use their jump animation when jumping like vanilla mc horses.
Added elephant to /mocspawn command.
Added vanilla mc sounds to horse jumping.
Undead mobs will now only ignore players if their max health is below 50 and the player is riding an undead mount.
Pet scorpions will now sting and apply their potion effect on mobs that the player attacks while riding them.
Fixed cave scorpions applying poison effect. They now apply nausea.
Fixed Jellyfish not poisoning any entity that touches it.
Fixed jellyfish not glowing at night.
Added vanilla ore dictionary tags for the wyvern lair log, stone, planks and leaves.
Fixed the /mocspawn command spawning wyverns in their child state.
Fishable fish now swim up to fish hooks.
Hopefully fixed jellyfish flickering emissive texture bug.
Decreased the max spawn count for aquatic creatures to reduce lag in oceans
Sharks now destroy Et Futurum Requiem boats that players are riding in hard difficulty.
Re-tweaked sharks attacking boats:
- In hard difficulty: sharks will have a 10% chance to break the players boat with each hit.
- In other difficulties: sharks will sometimes follow players that are in a boat but they will not try to destroy the boat.
Added More Feeding Item Integration:
- Pandas now include the itembamboo item from the Bamboo mod. Pandas also now include the bamboo, cropBamboo, cropBambooshoot ore dictionaries for feeding.
- Elephants now include the cropCoconut ore dictionary for feeding.
- Fishy and Small Fish now include the cropKelp and cropSeaweed ore dictionaries for feeding according to their spawning biome (Fishy eats saltwater plants, while most Small Fish eat freshwater plants, but the Mandarinfish will only eat saltwater plants)
Added More Item Drop Integration:
- Horses now drop horse meat from the LotsOfFood mod if it is installed
- Bunnies now drop the same items as Et Futurum rabbits if the Et Futurum mod is installed.
- Goats now drop chevon from the Novacraft mod if it is installed
Added the golden sickle, all silver tools, and all electrum tools from the Thermal Foundation mod as werewolf weakness items. The Electrum sword is the only item that is equal to the Mo' Creatures Silver Sword in it's effectiveness against werewolves.
Code clean up.
Merged Wolf Altar Replacement into Mo' Creatures Legacy. Also created a config setting to generate the Wolf Altar Replacement Mod. Also updated credits.
Mice, Bunny, Pet Scorpion, and Snake now take fall damage.
Added spawn eggs to Mo' Creatures creative tab.
Made Witchery player werewolf/wolf form detector check duration of night vision potion to better assess whether it is from the Witchery werewolf mechanism.
Added kitty beds to creative tab.
Renamed "easyBreeding" config to "hardHorseBreeding" and updated the description.
Fixed land horse speeds not working.
Added vanilla horse galloping sounds to Mo' Creatures horses.
Fixed fire immunity for nightmare horse, dark Pegasus, and fire ogres resetting with each world reload.
Fixed sunlight damage mechanism for normal ogre.
Recruited werewolves now no longer drop anything.
Fixed Dolphin speed not working.
Added Dolphin to /mocspawn command.
Slightly increased flying speed of Wyvern.
Converted the "instant kill if entity spawned in wrong biome" events to overrides of the canSpawnHere() function for the affected entities.
Fixed Fish Net not saving the entity data of aquatic pet which used to prompt the player to rename an already named pet.
Non-Flying Mo'Creatures Horses now display and use the vanilla horse jump bar.
Fixed Jellyfish trying to poison Boats and Players on Boats. This also includes Boats from Et Futurum Requiem.
Added Dolphin jump and jump animation.
Fixed modEntityID not being applied to spawn eggs.
Slightly improved dolphin landing into water after jump.
Underwater players can no longer reel in fish.
Players can no longer ride dolphins that aren't adults.
Fixed unicorn jump strength.
Fixed horses taking fall damage from jumping.
Removed slowness after horse sprint for all horses except nightmare horse, unicorns, and fairies.
Reduced slowness after horse sprint for affected horses.
Fixed fire immunity for ostriches, scorpions, and pet scorpions resetting with word reloads.
Pet scorpions no longer use their sting to targets specified by riders. Instead they now have a chance of dealing extra damage each time the rider attacks that target.
Fixed horse jump bar not updating when player disconnect and reconnect while riding horse. Also, fixed players able to make horses jump in mid-air.
Added more weakness items for Werewolf: Balkan's Weapons Mod:
- Golden Spear (Melee Damage only)
- Golden Halberd
- Golden Battleaxe
- Golden Warhammer
- Golden Knife (Melee Damage only)
- Golden Musketbayonet (Melee Damage only)
- Golden Katana
- Golden Flail
For items with the "Melee Damage only" tag, I couldn't add support for the projectile entity versions of these items because I would need permission from the author of the Balkan's Weapons mod to use their mod as a library in the Mo' Creatures Legacy source code to properly detect the Golden versions of those entities.
Thermal Foundation:
- Golden Sickle
- Silver Sickle
- Silver Hoe
- Silver Shovel
- Silver Pickaxe
- Silver Axe
- Silver Sword
- Electrum Sickle
- Electrum Hoe
- Electrum Shovel
- Electrum Pickaxe
- Electrum Axe
- Electrum Sword
Added ore dictionary crafting recipe for Pet Food if GregTech 6 or Palm's Harvest is loaded
Bunny now drops fur on death. If Et Futurum Requiem it will instead drop rabbit hide and other rabbit items.
Removed unneeded enchantment book checks previously added for items.
Dolphin rider position now updates with Dolphin rotation.
Fixed Kitty lifecycle. Kittens that grow up now use the adult Kitty behaviour.
Kitty no longer becomes angry from going into water.
Fixed rotation for prey inside Crocodile's mouth while it is doing it's spin attack, this also resulted in the spin attack being faster than before.
Cleaned up some of the Crocodile render code.
Retweaked horse speeds so that no horse is slower than the slowest possible vanilla Minecraft horse.
/mocspawn error messages for invalid entity type now indicate that that type is specifically invalid for that entity
Improve accuracy of fire placement for Nightmare horse fire trail.
Ducks will now run to the nearest water if attacked by an entity on land.
Fly and Roach now forage for dropped rotten flesh items.
Removed slowness after Elephant charge as Elephants are already slow.
Fixed Elephant speed not working. Also re-tweaked Elephant Speeds
Fixed Ostrich Speed and Jump not working. Also re-tweaked Ostrich Speeds
Wyvern Ostrich now has a very slight slow fall.
Returned Wyvern Ostrich flying mechanism to original state.
Replaced Fire Ogres dropping Heart of Fire with Gold Ingots.
Werewolves now howl when they transform into wolf form.
Cleaned up code by removing duplicate functions and unused code.
Fixed shark attacking players on boats when difficulty is below hard.
Fixed Wyvern Lair Tall Grass not spawning in Wyvern Lair.
Wraiths no longer attack players who are riding undead mounts unless they are attacked.
Ghost Horses no longer make horse gallop sounds.
Added Ostrich Variant achievements.
Updated undead and ghost horse achievement description.
Fixed non-flyer ostriches making wing flap sounds when jumping.
Ghost horses now no longer make jump sounds when jumping.
Fixed Wyvern Ostrich and Nether Ostrich feet in 16x texture.
Fixed predators making eating sounds and destroying own drops when killed.
Added kitty breeder, dolphin tamer, and goat milker achievements.
Changed icon of ostrich helmet achievement.
Horses that are purely made from essences of light (pegasus, unicorn, and fairy horse) now have slow passive regeneration to make up for them only able to be healed using essences of light which is expensive.
Removed the requirement of needing to use a key to open chests on elephants, horses, ostrich, and wyverns. Now players only need to right click while sneaking to open the chest. This is also now affected by the emptyHandPickUpAndMount config setting.
Unihorned ostriches also now have passive regeneration like light essence horses.
Fixed title of Unihorned Ostrich achievement.
Updated various achievement descriptions.
Fixed items in horse chests disappearing on world reload.
Fixed ostrich chest slot size increasing on world reload.
Increased tamed elephant ram damage.
Removed plop sound effect when putting chest on wyvern.
Removed unused entries in all lang files.
Fixed English achievement descriptions being too long and causing crashes.
Added passive regen to dark pegasus.
Removed moc config commands. Now configs can only be modified using the config files.
Removed special rendering for Jellyfish as it didn't do much.
Returned aquatic creature's water vertical movements to how it was in the original mod.
Increased land creature spawn weights to be closer to how it was in the original mod.
Reduced aquatic creature spawns with a focus on lowering spawn rates for aquatic creatures with complex models to improve performance in oceans.
Fixed wraiths and bat horse flying on top of player and sinking down to attack.
Fixed wraiths and bat horse vertical path finding.
Added zonkey achievement.
Added a fail-safe for werewolf gold and silver weapon detection. Now werewolves will detect gold and silver swords from any mod.
Added raw fish as healing item for jellyfish.
Added seeds as healing item for crab. Crabs also now accept seaweed from other mods as healing items.
Update credits.
Fixed fox not making eating sound when fed.
Fixes some mistakes in the English language file.
Added biome spawning integration for Realistic World Gen (GregTech New Horizons Fork).
Made achievement language key's unique.
Fixed unknown character in Russian translation.
Desert snakes are now immune to cactus damage.
Added mod page text as a html file inside the mod archive.
Removed "attackDolphins" config setting because it was redundant.
Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
Game versions
90Publication date
February 22, 2025 at 6:06 AMPublisher
