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A Minecraft Mod That Adds A Lot To The Base Game While Keeping It Simple

Client and server AdventureDecorationEquipmentFoodWorld Generation

Created3 months ago
Updated2 months ago

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Added a Relics Tab Added Feather Boots Moved All Relics To The Relics Tab

Fixed a bug that would lag out your game if you were near raspberries and blueberries to long Made Raspberry and Blueberry bushes grow with Random Ticks Instead Of Manual Ticks Made Raspberry and Blueberry bushes grow with multiple stages -Bush -Sprouting -Blooming -Full

Adds: Copper Sawblade, Ghost Charm, Spawn Charm, Enderite, Enderith Trees, Prisim Temples, Prisim Cores, Sparkle Of The Sun, Grace Of The Moon, Ghostly Effect, Bladed Copper, Amethyst And Enderite Rings, Spawn Crystals (MADE WITH A BED), Copper Saw And Sawblade Recipies, Volcanic Biome, Meteor Structure, Meteor's Spark Item, You Will Now Burn In The Nether Without Fire Res., Rearanged The Advancements, Inproved Old Textures, Added Beat The Heat Advancement, Swift Strike Effect, More Recipies, A couple effects, Adds potions for the effects include, Potion Of Sparkle, Potion Of Grace, Potion Of Striking, Potion Of Diligency, Potion Of Holy Water,

Advancements: Steady Hands, God's Side Kick, Crystal Miner, Prisim Core, Amethyst Test Tube, Light, Dark and Normal Prisim Energy Advancements, Enderite and Amethyst Ring Advancements, Sharpend Edge, Super Slicer, Hot Hot Hot!, Spark Of Hope, Shield Up, Ultimate Power, Ooooooo Spoooky and Flame Proof

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