


A small mod made for Neoforge that make you craft the uncraftable!

Client and server Game MechanicsUtility

Created12 days ago
Updated3 days ago

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Image of what the mod is called if it was the minecraft logo but with the text, neoforged attached to the bottom

What is this mod?

This mod adds many crafting recipes for items and blocks that don’t have a way of crafting them in the first place. The mod aims to add them in a way that feels balanced, and to achieve that, it even introduces a few new items to assist you on your crafting journey.

How do I know what the recipes are?

All you need to do is install a mod like JEI (Just Enough Items) or a mod similar to it, such as NEI or REI. Then you can find the recipe for a Golden Apple, Saddle, Name Tag, Chainmail Armor, Bell, Leather, String, Glow Ink Sac, Bottles O' Enchanting, Totem, Trident, Mushrooms, Elytra, Cobwebs, Lead, and more!

Why is it a mod and not a data pack?

Not everything in this mod can be recreated well in a data pack, especially new items. However, having it as a mod means you don’t have to apply it manually to every single world; it can auto-apply to both new worlds and pre-existing ones.

What is the mod trying to achieve and who is it for?

This mod is trying to be the easier way to craft some items that should have crafting recipes. It is for people who want to be able to craft certain items but can’t because of a restraint that Mojang put on their game.

Why NeoRecipes?

This mod is planning on getting tons of updates and to add more recipes and more good recipe tweeks.

What if I don't agree with a recipe?

You can leave a comment on this project here on Modrinth, and I can consider the change and whether it is necessary.

Project members


Mod Maker

Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID