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Mod Description


NeutronMc needs to connect to our API for online features to work. The API saves data like your IP address (for a maximum of one day) and your mMinecraft UUID.

The Minecraft UUID is required for the client to work.

The only purpose of saving the IP address, is to prevent abuse (exploits and dos attacks) to our API. We do not and will never publish or share your personal information. For security breaches, please join our discord, where we will inform if we notice a breach of data.

Logs are cleared every day at 0:00 UTC. You can always require for a deletion of your data by contacting an Admin on our Discord server.



Mod Description Implemented
FPS Simple Frames per second display, which can be customized in any way Yes ✅
Mod menu A Clean looking UI where Miniclient mods can be configured and chosen Yes ✅
Coordinates Simple Coordinates display, which can be customized in any way Yes ✅
Capes Custom capes which Miniclient users can submit and use ingame Yes ✅
Ping Simple server ping display, which can be customized in any way Yes ✅
Server IP Simple current server ip display, which can be customized in any way Yes ✅
No hurt cam Disable hurt cam/bob Yes ✅
Zoom Simple zoom in Minecraft Yes ✅
Lowshield Move your shield a bit down to see more Yes ✅
Lowfire Make the fire effect overlay cover less of your screen Yes ✅
CrystalPvP mode Many smaller enhancements like smaller items, Lowfire, etc Yes ✅
NoFog Disable the Minecraft fog Yes ✅
Autosprint Automatically start sprinting when walking Yes ✅
FullBright Add light to all dark places Yes ✅
NeutronChat Chat with other MiniClient users in the Minecraft client or in the Web In Development 🟧
Cape Store Store for capes where users can sell their capes. In Development 🟧
Location Ping Users can click a special button ingame and a ping marker will appear in every game which runs Miniclient. In Development 🟧

External resources

Project members





Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID