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LUMINOUS V1.4.1 - NeoForge 1.20.4


V1.4.1 Changelog


-All Config Files regarding the Legendary beasts can now be set to zero, which will disable their spawns entirely.

-Added 9 NEW config files for 6 of the 8 existing legendary items, allowing players to customize how powerful they are

-the root_slowness configuration file allows you to customize the level of slowness applied to enemy mobs with the enchanted root

-the root_timer configuration file allows you to customize the duration of applied slowness to enemy mobs with the enchanted root

-the shellmet_speed configuration file allows you to customize the level of speed applied to yourself while wearing the Shellmet

-the frigidhorn_timer configuration file allows you to determine the intervals between heals in cold biomes while holding the frigid horn

-the viperfang_damage_timer configuration file allows you to determine the intervals between when the viper fang damages itself

-the gator_tooth_poison configuration file allows you to customize the level of poison applied to enemy mobs with the gator tooth

-the gator_tooth_timer configuration file allows you to customize the duration of applied poison to enemy mobs with the gator tooth

-the tamed_stalker_timer configuration file allows you to determine the lifespan of the spawned phantom stalker from the bone rattle

-the totem_range configuration file allows you to determine the range of the new item - the TOTEM OF BEASTS

-Added the TOTEM OF BEASTS - a new rare item that makes finding the LEGENDARY BEASTS easier! this golden totem's red ruby eyes will glow when a beast is nearby.

These can be found in strongholds and end cities, although they will be removed from end cities in the future.

-LUMINOUS is now available in NeoForge for version 1.20.4!


-Fixed the bone rattle's description being the same as the phoenix feathers

-Fixed the ability for custom saplings to grow on their own

-Fixed a long standing glitch where the mummy wraps would not negate poison damage as intended


-Retextured and Remodeled the Deer

-Retextured and Remodeled the Fawn

-Slightly adjusted deer/fawn animations to make them smoother

-Expanded the size of the Shellmet and Mummy wraps model so it does not conflict with the 2nd layer of player skins

-Fixed the animation of the baby phoenix to make it much smoother looking


-Reduced the speed granted by the Shellmet from Speed III to Speed I

-Increased the Base duration of the magic roots slowness effect from 3s > 4s

-Decreased the Base duration of the gator tooth's poison effect from 6s > 5s

-Cleaned up the config files, separating them into four categories (Beast Spawns, World Generation, Mob Spawns, Item effects)

-Custom flowers can now be pollinated by bees

-Custom flowers can now breed bees

-Updated the config file names of the Tree Ent, King Hermit, And Yeti to correctly match their in game names

-Renamed all Palm wood/blocks/items to "wild palm" to differentiate better from other mods

-Increased the range before the Tamed Phantom Stalker will teleport to you

-Removed the ability for deer/fawn to run away when a player is close temporarily

-Reduced the chance for custom trees to grow when using bonemeal from 45% to 38%


-All Legendary beasts won't jump up onto blocks with snow on top of them

-Custom zombie and skeleton loot tables don't work with the looting enchantment

-Frigid horn glitches visually when in offhand after reloading the world

-Colored fire doesn't spread correctly

-Colored fire doesn't light TNT

-The AI of the toxic gator is flawed, and does not work as intended

-Ish bricks are not usable in the stone cutter

-Custom fish cannot be caught with a fishing rod

-Custom fish cannot be used to tame cats

-Baobab Saplings do not grow on their own currently.



LUMINOUS V1.4.1 - NeoForge 1.20.4.jar(20.91 MiB) Primary Download

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