Tricky Trials +

Tricky Trials +


This mod expands on minecraft 1.21 adding features we think fit the update

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Created11 days ago
Updated11 days ago

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Tricky Trials + 1.0.1


New Features

  • Added 4 new Vault Blocks
  • Added 2 new Wolf Variants
  • Added Echo Flail
  • Added new Titanium block set
  • Added new Ominous Slate block set
  • Added Dreaming Bottle
  • Added Bubze
  • Added Blitze
  • Added Trial Knight
  • Added Water Charge
  • Added Earth Charge
  • Added Painting Table
  • Added Sonic Core
  • Added Ominous Trial Vault
  • Added Prismarine Fortress
  • Added Blitze Dungeon

New Vault Blocks

  • These vault blocks work like the vanilla Minecraft vault but with different textures depending on what structure they spawn in, They come in the following Variants:
  • Ancient City
  • Bastion
  • Woodland Mansion
  • End City They can be found in the structure that they are made from and give their unique items when opened, they also require their keys, The keys can be obtained from the following:
  • Ancient City - 100% chance when killing a warden
  • Bastion - 25% chance when killing piglins
  • Woodland Mansion - 50% chance when killing Evokers
  • End City - 100% chance when killing Ender Dragons

New Wolf Variants:

  • Dusty Wolf, The Dusty Wolf spawns in desert biomes in groups of 2-4
  • Skeleton Wolf, The Skeleton Wolf spawns in mushroom fields in groups of 1

Echo Flail: A new Weapon that can be crafted from 1 Echo Shard and 1 Sonic Core, This weapon works like the classic sword with Sweeping edge but it there is no limit to how many mobs can be hit at once and the range is a lot bigger than Sweeping edge (Let us know how many mobs you can kill in one hit)

Titanium Blockset: Can be found in a new structure, there is no titanium ore! Comes in the following blocks:

  • Titanium Block
  • Chiseled Titanium Block
  • Titanium Bulb
  • Titanium Grate
  • Titanium Door
  • Titanium Trapdoor
  • Cut Titanium
  • Cut Titanium Stairs
  • Cut Titanium Slab All the following blocks work just like the copper variants but they are a little harder to break

Ominous Slate Blockset: Can be found in a new structure, It also spawns in patches below 0 and comes in the following blocks:

  • Ominous Slate
  • Ominous Slate Stairs
  • Ominous Slate Slab
  • Chiseled Ominous Slate
  • Polished Ominous Slate
  • Polished Ominous Slate Stairs
  • Polished Ominous Slate Slab
  • Ominous Slate Bricks
  • Ominous Slate brick Stairs
  • Ominous Slate brick Slab
  • Chiseled Ominous Slate Bricks All the following blocks are just decorative and do not have any other use

Dreaming Bottles: A new bottle that can be found in the new Vaults, can be found from levels 1 - 5 with each level giving 15 more minutes of the Dreaming Effect, when the player has the Dreaming Effect no phantoms will spawn around that player

Bubze: The Blaze, Breeze now with the Bubze, The Bubze is a new mob added to the elements, it spawns in a new structure called the Prismarine Fortress, This structure can be found in most oceans, The bubze will shoot water charges at the player and when killed it will drop a bubze rod

Blitze: The Blaze, Breeze, Bubze. That leaves one more element... EARTH, The Blitze is a new mob that is made from rock, it can be found in a new dungeon that spawns underground. It will shoot earth charges at the player, You can also kill the Blitze to obtain some of these earth charges

Water Charge: Water Charges are crafted from 1 Bubze rod and you will get 4 in return, when throwing these at other players/mobs they will be pushed forward in the direction they are looking

Earth Charge: Earth Charges can be obtained from killing the Blitze, when throwing these at other players/mobs they will be stunned for a short duration (this is good to keep them in place while you land that mace hit)

Painting Table: A new workbench added to the game (there is no villager profession for this table) This table when placed can be opened, Once opened you can put a painting into the input slot and then you can pick any painting variant free of charge and without having to spam the painting on a wall

Sonic Core: Is found in the Ancient City Vault, I wonder what this block does apart from crafting the echo flail

Ominous Trial Chamber: A new version of the trial chamber that can be found in rarer overworld biomes, It is made from Titanium and Ominous slate, and the mobs that spawn here are way harder than the normal trial chamber spawning with netherite armor/tools and max enchantments, If you dare to enter this chamber with Trial Omen every mob will have health buffs and Netherite Armor

Prismarine Fortress: A new Structure that spawns in most ocean biomes, it will spawn with 1-4 staircases exposed to the ocean floor, It is made out of Prismarine blocks and This is where the bubze spawns

Blitze Dungeon: A new dungeon that spawns in the overworld below y level 0, This dungeon isn't the classic square and has some decorated pots inside, this is also where you find the blitze


TrickyTrials+-1.21-1.0.1.jar(1.11 MiB) Primary Download

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