Unnamed Deserts

Unnamed Deserts


Additional structures and mechanics for the desert and badlands biomes, focusing on an immersive expansion for the vanilla game while simultaneously providing new content to explore.

Server AdventureWorld Generation

Created6 months ago
Updated3 months ago

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🐪 About 🌵

Unnamed Deserts focuses on adding custom items, new mechanics and unique structures build souly upon the vanilla game. In short, this mod aims to turn the desert and badlands biomes into its own progression section that can compete in terms of utility and combat with the vanilla progression, making your time spent under the hot sun worthwhile.

The structures aim to fill the vast emptiness in minecraft's terrain generation. Some structures provide the player with new sights to discover and conquer while others exist purely for the visual and ambient touch of each biome. Furthermore, many structures will (at some point) feature unique mechanics like puzzles, secrets or bits of lore. However, it is up to you and your companions to figure out every last detail of each structure.

Custom items will create an incentive for the player to explore these structures by providing unique abilities regarding combat, adventure, building, etc.

For more information on specific structures please refer to the image gallery.

📓 Update Information

I will write the most important information, such as the current status regarding the development of this mod, here. At times, this mod may be on hold and receives no content update (bug reports are still considered) for a while because another mod of mine is being developed or released. That does not mean this mod is discontinued! I am just working on something else (if you are interested in my other, similar projects, then you can find the links at the bottom of this page).

As always, feedback is always welcome, and bug reports even more so.

STATUS: Active

⚠️ Wiki

Expect frequent changes to this Wiki and the mod due to balancing and content expansions!

The following sections contain all the information one could need to understand this mod to the fullest extent. All changes contributed to this mod will be documented here (sooner or later).

📬 Remarks

Further updates will enhance existing and introduce new content, hopefully increasing the quality and quantity of the mod over time.

Please keep in mind that at any given time vast amounts of the mod may be edited or completely overhauled! These changes should not, but may leave existing worlds on older versions corrupted. Creating backups before updating to a new version is advised!

Lastly, I want to reiterate that this is simply a passion project because I love building in this silly block game. It may occur that for longer periods no updates or bug fixes are being developed/released simply because I do not want to.

📋 Other Projects

To be announced

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID