Minecraft: Java Edition
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Enhanced Minecraft 2.0
An enhanced version of minecraft using the simply optimized modpack as baseline for performance improvements.
This pack offers for easy multiplayer using either the Essential mod or e4mc.
This modpack enhances visuals, sounds, gui, atmosphere, many quality of life features and adds many new features to explore by adding many little mods and resource packs & some bigger mods you can fully explore while playing the game.
Essentially it makes the game feel like when you were a kid and everything was new...
most notably:
huge performance improvements (one of the best performance modpacks out there as base line)
Distant Horizons with Terralith & Tectonic world generation with shader compatibility
many new Structure and Exploration mods, most notably Dungeons and Taverns
new weapons & tools, some new Ores and a few RPG classes with a bit of magic - paired with better combat
Enhanced Nether and End as well as more NEW dimensions
Fresh animations and not enough animations with first person model for more immersive gameplay (also more mob variants with fresh animations and addons)
better sounds and ambience (birds, wind and lots more depending on biome and scenery)
Lots of quality of life improvements in all areas of the game
smoother gui and lots more to enhance the base game just enough to make it feel fresh and exciting again.
Features modlist (most notable)
World Generation & Exploration
- Terralith & Tectonic
- Dungeons and Taverns (with better stronghold and many more addons)
- Roguelike Dungeons, Structory
- Capital villages, Villager Names, Guard Villagers
- Jungle, Bamboo & underground villages
- Subsurface (new cave biomes, including underground jungles and forests)
- Wraith waystones
- Better Archeology
- RPG titles (show biome title when entering new one or Dimension)
- Amplified Nether, Wither shrines, Nether Weather, Advanced Netherite
- Better End, Better Endcities, Medieval Buildings, Enderite (new tools and armor)
- Deeper & Darker (adds the missing dimension to the big portal in the ancient cities)
- Saturated (new Dimensions)
- changed Nullscape for Better End (Better End Cities displayed above...)
Combat and Tools
- Better Combat
- just hammers (a toolthat can break blocks in a 3x3 area)
- Swingthrough (you can fight mobs through tall grass)
- Trinkets, Utility Belt (put your weapons and tools in an extra hotbar to have more room for building blocks and other)
- RPG series (archers, wizards, palladins, rogues) Combat Roll, Runes
- More Armor, Weapon, Tool and Elytra Trims with effects
- artifacts, Jewelry (special items that can be found in the world with certain attributes)
- RightClickHarvest (harvest crops and replant at the same time by rightclicking with a hoe)
- Axes are weapons
- Backslot
- Basic Weapons
- Musket (medieval firearm)
- Damage numbers
- Living things (more animal mobs)
- More Mob Variants
- Villager transportation (transport villagers easily with camels)
- Friends & Foes (adds the mobs which lost in the mob votes)
- Nyf's spiders (spiders can walk on ceilings)
- Horde nights
Quality of Life Improvements
- Bridging mod (allows to place blocks at the end of another block, without the need to hold shift to walk at the edge)
- Woodcutter (same as the stonecutter but for wood - like why isn't this in the base game?)
- Easy Anvils, Magic and Workbench (items stay in the workstation and are displayed on top of it)
- Tree Harvester (with toggle and fast leave decay)
- Hotswapping Items (no need to open inventory to drag blocks around)
- Farmer's delight (more food variants)
- Graves (you leave a grave when dying which keeps your inventory safe to recollect)
- HorseBuff (horses can swim now)
- Warden with loot (Warden drops better loot)
- faster minecarts (minecarts are now 2x as fast)
- Vanilla refresh, many other qol tweaks
- More Variants of the different wood types for many blocks (bookshelfs, chests, ...)
- More Totem variants
- Snow real magic (makes slabs, stairs and fences snowy after a while), snow under trees
Other cool features
- Lootr, Elytra Vaults (for multiplayer: everyone can open a chest with individual loot)
- Diagonal Fences
- Comforts (sleeping bags)
- Antique Atlas, vanilla notebook
- Better than Mending
- Ping wheel (for multiplayer)
- Photography (create your own pictures to decorate your buildings)
- Stellaris (a space mod for those who want to tap into that and would like to fly to Mars and other planets)
Visual & auditive improvements modlist (most notable)
Many more mods and resource packs that enhance Minecraft in this pack are for example the following:
- Better Grassify (Optifine's fast and fancy grass ported)
- Advancement Plaques, Legendary Tooltips
- Ambient Sounds, Mambience, Presence Footsteps, Sounds, Reactive Music
- Appleskin, Eating Animation
- More Mob Variants - Fresh Animations, Fresh Moves
- Better Clouds
- Visuality, Wakes, Particular
- Better MountHud
- Better Stats, Advancements
- Bounced, Icons
- Cameroverhaul, Camera Utils, Better third Person
- Chat Heads, Chat Animation
- Continuity, Entity Model, Texture, Sound -Features
- Fancy Health Bar, Held Item Info, Highlighter, Tiny Item Animations, Mouse Tweaks
- Immersive Thunder, Iris
- Jei, Jade, No Resource Pack Warnings
- Show me your skin, 3D skin layers, talk bubbles
- smooth gui, smooth scrolling
- Xaeros Minimap and World Map
- colorful containers, better flame particles, Banner pattern clarity
- Fancy Crops, Blinking Ender Eyes, Enchant Icons, Emissive Trim Armors
- Fast Better Grass, Mace3D, low shield and fire
- MinecraftTen Font, Refined Enchants
issues & solutions
For the resource packs to work properly you have to arrange them specifically.
The shown arrangement does work. The packs below get used first, then the above ones will override the ones below if there are any crossings. Just make sure to put the baseline of packs at the bottom and specific packs on top. For Fresh Animations be sure to put the base pack as the lowest of the animation packs.
The best working shader is Complementary and with the Euphoria Patches it also offers the most features to really enhance the vanilla experience
Currently I can't add the Bliss shader on Modrinth, so you'll need to add it your own if you want the beautiful atmospheric time of day fog you see in some screenshots.
If you want to get the End shader with the black hole... That's a bit tricky. The creator seems to share it in a drive file but only sometimes.. You can look for it though on your own. The shader is called "IterationT 3.0.0"
Add these Resource Packs manually:
resorcepacks on Curseforge:
- Glowing Enderdragon: