1.96.0 (2023-11-28)
- disable chain exploding creepers. Was cool but doesn't add much (7bf3541)
Documentation and Localization
- change jei categories to be in order of relevence to early game (aec1bbc)
- rename basic lid to Fermentation basin lid (86ad2a5)
Minor tweaks
- disable way sign from supplementaries (919bb35)
Continuous Integration
- releases can only go one at a time (21dc157)
1.93.0 (2023-11-27)
- add recipe to piston extension arms that is easy to work with early game (89e22c7)
- add recycling recipes for iron, copper, gold, lapis, diamond (3dfb491), closes #316
- make a lot of blocks and devices wrenchable (5b36bfe)
- make brass lantern a brass device for early game lighting (019ec00), closes #311
- move log > wood recipes to manapool (2fd4abb), closes #319
- storage crate is now made of metal in texture and sound. And doesnt burn (06086b1)
- Storage crate uses iron and plates instead of wood (ea088f3)
Documentation and Localization
- add tooltip to blaze burner explaining how to get them and what they are used for (7ac34dd), closes #317