Floptropica™ 3.0.0-E
on Aug 28, 2024- Changed the ip (again) and added a recourse pack
Floptropica™ 3.0.0-D
on Aug 23, 2024- Fixed a bug with the "Join Server" Button
Floptropica™ 3.0.0-C
on Aug 16, 2024- changed hosts to a better host so changed IPs
Floptropica™ 3.0.0-B
on Aug 12, 2024Changes
Made the modpack usable , we haven't changed hosts yet due to some problems , but soon we will change hosts and launch 3.0.0-C , with the new IP.
Added an easter egg , try to discover it :)
Floptropica™ 3.0.0-A
on Jul 31, 2024- Made a custom menu for the modpack
Due to us changing the host to a more stable one , in this version you can't actually enter the server , but when we change hosts we will release version 3.0.0-B , which you will actually be able to enter the server , thats why this release is a beta.
Floptropica Official 2.2B
on Jun 18, 2024Changes:
- Made some small fixes
Floptropica 2.2
on May 23, 2024Changes
- Small Change , Added 2 - 5 Mods
Floptropica 2.1c
on Apr 20, 2024Floptropica 2.1c
on Apr 20, 2024Changes:
- Added the URL Music Disc Mod
- Added Simple Voice Chat
- Added EmoteCraft Mod
Floptropica 2.1b
on Apr 18, 2024Changes:
- Added the Slideshow (Fabric) Mod
- Updated some outdated versions of mods
Floptropica 2.1
on Apr 13, 2024Changes:
Removed the AutoModpack mod as it was only a temporary fix
Added the following mods(only for client):
- Universal Clock HUD
- Time Changer
- MidnightLib
Floptropica 2.0
on Apr 12, 2024I Reset the Server and replaced the old mods with the following mods:
- Indium
- Lithium
- Sodium
- Mod Menu
- Fabric API
- Iris
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Sodium Extra
- AutoModpack
- Realistic Cities
- Rechiseled
- Ad Astra
- Another Furniture
- Exline's Furniture
- City Craft
- MTR Station Decoration Addon
- MTR Russian Metro Addon
- Automobility
- Minecraft Transit Railway
- MTR London Underground Addon
- Fusion
- MTR addon sign_fabric_1.19.2
- Create: Steam 'n' Rails
- Furniture Expanded [FABRIC]
- Paladin's Furniture
- Exline's Furniture Mod
- Quartz Elevator
- MTR Utilitys Addon
- SuperMartijn642's Core Lib
- Geckolib
- Macaw's Furniture
- Joban Client Mod
- Resourceful Lib
- Resourcefulconfig
- Mishang Urban Construction
- Oh The Biomes You'll Go
- Aftersans53228's fabric roads
- Nemo's Transit Expansion
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib
- Botarium
- Better Runtime Resource Pack (BRRP)
- oωo lib
- TerraBlender
- CorgiLib
- Create
Floptropica 1.0
on Apr 7, 2024Added the Following Mods:
- Architetury API
- Auth Me
- AutoModpack (unusable)
- Geckolib
- Iris Shaders
- Joban Client Mod (MTR Addon)
- JourneyMap
- JourneyMap Integration
- Lithium
- London Underground (MTR Addon)
- MTR Utility (MTR Addon)
- Minecraft Transit Railway (MTR)
- Mod Menu
- Nemo's Transit Expansion (MTR Addon)
- Realistic Cities
- Sodium
- Station Decoration (MTR Addon)
- OwO lib