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Modpack Information

The BronyTales Pack is a "kitchen sink" styled modpack running on 1.20.1 on the Fabric modloader. The pack is designed to renew your interest in Minecraft by utilizing the best mods currently available for Fabric. This means massive overhauls to exploration and world generation, magic, machines, and plenty more!

This modpack is currently in development. Testing has shown that the pack is pretty stable so far, but there's still a lot of work to be done!

Like most kitchen sink packs, we offer a variety of mods to help keep you entertained, including (but not limited to):

  • Better Nether & End: We can all agree that the nether update was a massive step in the right direction, though the end's still a bit lacking. Well, with Better Nether and Better End both dimensions receive a massive facelift and content expansion!
  • Create: One of the most innovative mods in recent Minecraft history, Create allows you to make the most extravagant machines your mind can imagine. The sky and your framerate is unironically the limit with Create. We also have a few other addon mods for Create to help enhance the experience even further!
  • William Wythers' Expanded Ecosphere: Explore a vastly improved overworld filled with over 200 new biomes. There are a few other mods in the mix to make sure that overworld terrain looks amazing!
  • YUNG's Better Structures: This isn't actually the name of the mod, but YUNGNICKYOUNG has made a library of mods which overhaul desert temples, dungeons, mineshafts, nether fortresses, ocean monuments, witch huts, and some smaller side-extras, too!

We also have some uncommonly used mods, as well!:

  • Figura: Figura allows users to make their own and fully custom player models. While there is ultimately a limit on what you can do, the amount of customization and personalization this mod offers is absolutely impressive!
  • Victus: Victus transforms getting damaged into a beneficial gameplay mechanic to completely customize your combat experience. By making and using custom "aspects", you can alter your hearts to give effects which trigger when that heart no longer has any health. From replicating the totem of undying's effect to effectively turning yourself into a creeper, the possibilities are vast!
  • This is a non-complete list! There's plenty more commonly and uncommonly used mods in the pack! If you'd like to see the full list, click on the latest version and scroll down!

Recommended resource packs:

This pack has been designed for use on our modded server!

It works just fine and can be fully experienced in singleplayer, though! However, since both the modpack and server are currently in development, the official server for the pack is not currently online. We have no ETA for when it'll be online since the pack's being developed by myself in my spare time. If you're interested in shaping the pack's future, go ahead and give it a download and send us some feedback!

Note: This modpack isn't for use on the Vanilla/non-modded BronyTales server! It should block you from joining due to the amount of data heavily modded clients send, though assuming you were able to join you'd likely experience an extraordinary amount of issues!

6 gigabytes of RAM is recommended to run this pack!

We've done our best to optimize everything given how many mods are in the pack, but for the smoothest experience; definitely run it with at least 6 gigabytes of RAM allocated. You can run the pack in singleplayer with as little as 4 gigabytes, but you may have some stuttering that could lead to a crash. This should be less of an issue if you join a server, however.

Java 17 is strongly recommended!

You can find a list of downloads for that here!
To preserve our sanity; support won't be provided for users using different Java versions!

All credits for assets not specifically made by BronyTales or our staff go to their respective authors! This pack wouldn't have been possible without them and the time they've spent working on their work, largely for free! Be sure to give them some thanks!
You can find the specific mods that we use by looking in the Dependencies list for our latest version of the modpack!
Note: This is only for the mods hosted on Modrinth! All the other mods will be credited below.

Specific credits for non-Modrinth mods:

If your mod is hosted on Modrinth and you'd like for it to be listed here, contact me and I'll add it!

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID