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ChatPings - A Minecraft Server Plugin!
ChatPings is a plugin that allows you to ping other players like you do in Discord.​
This plugin can be customized from the ping color and sound to it's sound's volume and pitch!
This plugin allows you to ping players using three different ping types:
@Player (Pings the certain player via username or EssentialsX nickname)
@everyone (Pings everyone who's on the server) [This requires a permission node]
@someone (Pings a random player that's currently online (even yourself if this option is enabled))
Each ping also plays a sound that you can change in the config.yml, as well as pitch and volume of the sound!
There are commands that can be used by everybody and some that are admin only.
Admin Commands:
- /pingreload: Reloads the config.yml and the lang.yml so they use the new settings you've set.
- /pingprefix: Changes the prefix you used for pings.
- /pinginfo: Shows information about ChatPings.
- /pingresetcooldown <player>: Resets the cooldown time for the player.
Player Commands:
- /pinghelp: Shows a list of commands of this plugin.
- /pingtoggle: "Mutes pings" by not playing the sound.*
*Players who have the permission node "chatpings.bypass" can bypass the player's ping mute, therefore you'll hear their ping sounds.
Admin Permissions:
- chatpings.admin Permission node for /pingreload, viewing admin commands in /pinghelp and to ping everyone. (Default OP)
- chatpings.bypass Permission node to bypass the ping mutes of players (Default OP)
Player Permissions:
- Permission node for /pinghelp. (Default TRUE)
- chatpings.toggle Permission node for /pingtoggle. (Default TRUE)
- chatpings.player Permission node to ping another player. (Default TRUE)
- chatpings.someone Permission node to ping another player. (Default TRUE)
Ping Pop-Up is a brand new feature in ChatPings that shows who pinged you through for example a title, actionbar or bossbar.
Here are the different types you can choose:
- title (Shows the text in the middle of the screen)
- subtitle (Same as the title, but in smaller)
- actionbar (Shows the text above the hotbar)
- boss* (Shows the text in a bossbar with the healthbar being a countdown until it disappears)
- everything (This option does not require an explaination, does it?)
- none (Basically does not show any Pop-Up at all)
Apart from that you can also choose how long these pop-ups shall stay on the screen.
*The Bossbar Pop-Up only works for version 1.19+!
Prefix: '@'
everyoneFormat: everyone
someoneFormat: someone
placeholder: enter placeholder here
enabled: true
player: 5
someone: 5
everyone: 5
color: '&b&l'
volume: 3.0F
pitch: 0.5F
color: '&b&l'
volume: 3.0F
pitch: 0.5F
color: '&b&l'
volume: 3.0F
pitch: 0.5F
pingYourself: true
includePicked: true
title: none
fade-in: 1
duration: 3
fade-out: 1
bosscolor: WHITE
title: '&0[&bChat&cPings&0]&r '
start: '&bReloading configurations...'
done: '&bReload complete!'
mute: '&bSuccessfully muted pings! &c[Only staff can ping you now!'
unmute: '&bSuccessfully unmuted pings!'
success: '&bSuccessfully set prefix to &e{prefix}&b!'
reset: '&bSuccessfully reset prefix to default! (@)'
reload: '&bReloads the config and language file.'
prefix: '&bChanges the prefix used for pings.'
toggle: '&bMakes that only staff can ping you.'
help: '&bShows you this list of commands this plugin has.'
resetcooldown: '&bResets a player''s cooldown.'
resetsuccess: '&bSuccessfully reset cooldown for &e{player}&b!'
permissions: '&cInsufficient permissions!'
args: '&cToo few arguments!'
prefix: '&cCannot set prefix to &e/ &cbecause it''s a command prefix!'
oncooldown: '&cYour ping is on a cooldown! Wait &e{time} &cmore second(s)!'
player: '&cPlayer &e{player} &cdoes not exist!'
notoncooldown: '&cPlayer &e{player} &cis not on cooldown!'
message: '&b&l{name} &6has pinged you!'
- Sound volume can be set between 0.0F and 10.0F
- Sound pitch can be set between 0.0F and 2.0F
- Sound list: Click here
[NOTE] Depending on what version your server is certain sounds will not work!
If you have any questions or bug reports feel free to ask or report in the Github Issues Area or on the Discord server!