Minecraft: Java Edition
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Block and item displays can now show Oraxen items. To use Oraxen items and blocks, add oraxen: "<Oraxen ID>"
to the settings of a display.
The in-game editor can now have disabled settings. You can set them in the config.yml file or using the BaseDisplay#openEditor(Player player, List disabledSettings) if you are using the API. The /ad finishEditing subcommand no longer requires a permission.
Lastly, the plugin is now compiled using Gradle rather than Maven and NMS is now provided by paperweight-userdev rather than Spigot's BuildTools. However, the plugin should still be compatible with Spigot. The API is now obtained from "com.github.Luncaaa:AdvancedDisplays:{PLUGIN VERSION}" and setting text displays now requires an Adventure component. However, you can use the ComponentSerializer, which supports both legacy and minimessage, to parse text into a component.
*If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here.
I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.21 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.
Visit the wiki for more information.
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27Publication date
August 9, 2024 at 6:51 PMPublisher