Thank you AlexTMjugador for their brilliant contributions to BiomeVisuals! 😄
- Updated to 1.19.3
- Added new event-based API for registry injection.
You can now use an event to manually handle registry overriding.
public void onRegistrySend(final @NotNull BiomeRegistrySendEvent event) {
.ambientParticle(AmbientParticle.of(Particle.ASH, 5, null))
.moodSound(MoodSound.of(Sound.ITEM_GOAT_HORN_SOUND_0, 1, 1, 1))
.additionSound(AdditionSound.of(Sound.ITEM_GOAT_HORN_SOUND_2, 5))
.music(Music.of(Sound.AMBIENT_BASALT_DELTAS_ADDITIONS, 1, 1, true))
This will override the plains key with the new biome data. Note: This will NOT merge the previous entry, to ensure you set everything!