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HuskHomes v2.11.2 - Bug fixes


Note: This is the initial release version available on Modrinth!

HuskHomes 2.11.2 fixes a few bugs with previous versions and makes some optimizations for Redis users.

  • Fixes and improvements for users running HuskHomes via Redis
    • Fixed an issue where the Redis listener on would terminate unpredictably when trying to add a null set of invites (#130)
    • Fixed an issue where cross-server player list tracking would not accurately add joining players to the global player list
    • Updated the Jedis dependency and now a JedisPool is used to more optimally fetch connections
    • Added an option in the config file to allow for Redis connections to be established over SSL
  • Fixed /warp tab completion items not being hidden based on warp permissions even when the setting to hide them from the warplist was enabled (#129)
  • Updated HikariCP to 5.0.1 to fix an issue where the database connection pool could be drained in rare circumstances.
  • Miscellaneous refactoring

To update, just drag+drop. For Redis users, the new use_ssl config option should appear under redis_credentials in the plugin config.


HuskHomes-2.11.2.jar(569.67 KiB) Primary Download

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