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Simple to use Tablist Header/Footer Manager, powered by MiniMessage, with Animation and PlaceholderAPI support!


NOTE! You need to use Paper, Spigot/Bukkit won't work!

Download the plugin, put it in plugins/ and restart

Set the Heading/Footing

To set the heading/Footing, simply edit the configuration file, save it and run /tabtext reload


  "header": {
    "raw": "<gradient:red:blue:<x>>Hello, %player_name%!</gradient>",
    "animated": true,
    "animationSpeed": 0.1
  "footer": {
    "raw": "<blue><b>Its an nice Day!</b></blue>",
    "animated": false,
    "animationSpeed": 0.0

header - The header, above the Players

footer - The footer, below the Players

raw - The Message. Supports MiniMessage and Placeholders from PlaceholderAPI

animated - If set to true, the plugin will try to animate the Text

Note! Animations are created by using the power feature of MiniMessage. If you want to use them, please make sure you include the placeholder <x> as the last argument of your Gradient. Refer to the MiniMessage Documentation to learn more, or have look at the example above.

animationSpeed - How fast the animation is. The higher the number - the faster the animation.


  • Gui Builder for the Designs

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