Minecraft: Java Edition
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ItemRenamerReloaded, its a plugin that gives the ability to rename items with customs names and custom lores, with full RGB colors support (+1.16)
So, in general, what does this plugin offers you?
- ✔ Rename any type of item with a custom name
- ✔ Set a custom lore to any type of item.
- ✔ LIMIT how many lines of lore a player can add to an item as you wish with a single line in the config.
- ✔ Play a custom Minecraft sound when players rename an item or set lore to them! (optional)
- ✔ Economy support with Vault!
- ✔ Compatible with PlaceholderAPI placeholders.
- ✔ Full compatibility with HTML/RGB +1.16 colors.
- ✔ Almost every message of the plugin is customizable.
- ✔ Fully recoded and with active updates.
- ✔ Compatible from Minecraft 1.12 to the latest Minecraft version.
- ✔ Free.
- At least, Java 11.
- For now, a Spigot/Bukkit based server (Spigot, Bukkit, Paper, Purpur...).
- It uses bStats, which you can disable in the bStats configuration.
- OPTIONAL: PlaceholderAPI so you can use placeholders. (full list here)
- OPTIONAL: Vault and a supported economy plugin that uses it (ex.; XConomy, Essentials...) so you can use the economy enhancement.
Commands and permissions
All this commands parameters goes without the "< >"
/rename <Custom name>
- Rename any type of item with ease while holding the item in your hand.
- This command without the "Custom name" parameter, will remove the custom name that you setted to an item.
- Special feature! Play a custom Minecraft sound when your players rename their own items!
- New feature! Charge money to your users for renaming an item!
itemrenamer.rename - Rename any type of item.
itemrenamer.rename.remove - Remove the custom name from an item.
itemrenamer.papi - Be able to add placeholders (full list here) from PlaceholderAPI to the item name.
/setlore <Line number> <Custom lore text>
- Specify the lore line you want to create or modify, along with its custom text while holding an item in your hand.
- This command without the "Custom lore text" parameter, will remove the lore line along with its text.
- If you specify clear as the line number, you will delete all the item lore lines!
- Special feature! You can limit how many lines of lore a player can add to an item as you wish by just changing a single line in the config (see more below).
- Special feature! Play a custom Minecraft sound when your players set a lore to their items!
- New feature! Charge money to your users for adding lines to an item lore!
itemrenamer.setlore - Full command usage permission.
itemrenamer.setlore.maxbypass - Allows you to bypass the lore line limit specified in the config.yml file.
itemrenamer.papi - Be able to add placeholders (full list here) from PlaceholderAPI to the item name.
/irr <reload/help>
- The main plugin command to reload the plugin and to see the plugin help page.
itemrenamer.base.reload - Allows the user to reload the plugin along with the configuration file. - Allows the user to see the plugin help with all the commands and aliases.
Plugin configuration file
#ItemRenamerReloaded Config file - Xdlob9
# - You can use RGB/HTML color codes in your messages. (ex; &#FFFFFFMessage in white)
# - ONLY AVAILABLE in Minecraft 1.16 or higher.
# - Touch the plugin placeholders only if you know what you are doing!
# Plugin options
# This option allows you to set up the maximum lines of lore that a player can set to an item
# NOTE: Players with 'itemrenamer.setlore.maxbypass' permission won't have this limit
# Take into account that if you want to limit the lines to, for example, 5 lines, you must write "4", since the plugin starts counting the lines from 0. (example; max_setlore_lines: 4)
# (Default; this will limit the lore lines to 6) max_setlore_lines: 5
max_setlore_lines: 5
# Play a custom sound when a player renames or adds a lore to an item! (Full sounds list:
# The format follows like this: SOUND_ID;VOLUME;PITCH
# If you don't want to use sounds, just replace it with "none" (ex.; name_set_sound: none)
name_set_sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP;100;1
lore_set_sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP;100;1
# Economy setup
# NOTE: You should have Vault and an economy plugin that uses it
# Should the plugin use the "Economy" functionality?
enabled: true
# Specify the "Rename" and "Set lore" price/cost here
# Float numbers are compatible (ex.; 100.5)
rename_cost: 100
setlore_cost: 100
# %irr_price% is the cost of the transaction (renaming or lore set)
insufficient_funds: "%irr_prefix% &cYou don't have the sufficient funds to afford this! You need at least &e%irr_price% &cfrom your balance"
purchase_confirmed: "%irr_prefix% &e%irr_price% &agot taken from your account. Check your balance anytime with &6/money"
# Main plugin messages
prefix: "&8[&bItemRenamerReloaded&8]"
no_permission: "%irr_prefix% &cYou don't have the permissions to run this command."
no_permission_removecustom_name: "%irr_prefix% &cYou can't remove the custom name from this item. Use an anvil!"
no_item_hand: "%irr_prefix% &cYou must have an item in your hand!"
custom_name_removed: "%irr_prefix% &eThe custom name has been successfully removed."
custom_name_applied: "%irr_prefix% &aThe custom name &f'%irr_new_name%&f' &ahas been successfully applied!"
incorrect_setlore_arguments: "%irr_prefix% &cIncorrect command usage! Try it like this: /setlore 1 Hi there! (if you only specify the lore line number, that line will be deleted)"
lore_setted: "%irr_prefix% &aThe lore &f'%irr_new_lore%&f' &ahas been setted!"
lore_unsetted: "%irr_prefix% &aThe lore line &f'%irr_removed_lore%&f' &ahas been removed!"
lore_fully_removed: "%irr_prefix% &aAll the lore lines have been removed from this item!"
out_of_bounds_lore: "%irr_prefix% &cThe lore line you are trying to access does not exist. (start counting the first line as 0)"
max_itemlore_lines_reached: "%irr_prefix% &cYou reached the maximum lore lines for this item."
# Other
plugin_reloaded: "%irr_prefix% &aThe plugin has been successfully &ereloaded&a."
Photos, gifs and examples
Setting a custom name to an item using RGB colors!
Setting a custom LORE to an item using RGB colors!
Removing some lore lines safely!
You can even add Placeholders to your items! You can add them to the name or to the lore!
Full economy support! You will need Vault and a compatible economy plugin
Anonymous data collected thanks to the bStats integration.

Terms and Conditions
- You cannot modify and share, sell or distribute the plugin as your own- You can't decompile the plugin.
© Xdlob9 / 2018 - 2024