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Yolo v0.7.2


What's changed

  • v0.7.1 - fix: Channels to send messages to, can now be any channel, that can receive text messages.

  • Checked compatibility for the Paper-1.20.x-API

  • Fixed some grammatical errors. One in the copyright header in the source files and one in the embedded chat message resource. Take a look at a freshly generated one to spot the change in the default death-ban message.

Full Changelog:

Note regarding future versions: This plugin/mod is currently being reworked, to work with other modding APIs, which requires a significant amount of work. So please be patient for the full release and snapshots for v2.0 (this current version is feature complete in regards to my initial plans aka. v1.0).


Yolo-0.7.2.jar(214.36 KiB) Primary Download

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