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ItsMemed's Bits & Tweaks [1.20.4]


v1.0.0 - 03/28/2024

  • Changed the file name for it to be easier to differentiate on the in-game Resource Pack list.
  • Stretched down the "Java Edition" title just by a little bit.
  • Reworked the font files to match the current format, it still needs work, but most Latin symbols have been done, so I'll round it up by 30%.
  • Fixed the Axolotl Buckets CIT properties.
  • Added support for the Crafter's GUI.
  • Added the variated textures for both Cherry Blossom Planks and Bamboo Planks.
  • Divided all the folders according to the changes made to the pack_format, which involved dividing everything in their respective sprites, which was made with the slicer tool, but still required a lot of testing.
  • After testing, it was concluded that armor trims don't really look that weird with armor, therefore this version is no longer in the beta phase.


IM-BT [1.20.4].zip(31.8 MiB) Primary Download

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