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by I_am_Merp on Jun 29, 2024
  • fixed mod compatibility for birch & spruce leaves
  • added textures for 1.21 banner patterns


by I_am_Merp on May 7, 2024
  • added emissives to some items
    • blaze rod
    • blaze powder
    • fire charge
    • trial key
    • ominous trial key
    • some other stuff
  • retextured 1.21 discs
  • dragon eggs now use a custom item texture
  • some other fixes

hey, if you're reading this, i wanna say thanks for showing interest in my pack. it means a lot to me :) if you've been following me recently, you're probably aware that i haven't been doing much with brush-up lately, and i guess that's because i haven't really had the motivation to work on it, or any other minecraft-related projects lately.

i can't exactly say why that is the case; maybe i'm just getting bored, or maybe i want to pursue other projects for a change. i dunno, i wish i could explain it, haha. anyway, whatever the case is, it's been really fun to work on brush-up for the past year, but i'm sort of getting ready to wrap things up on it- at least for now.

again, thanks to everyone for showing interest in my pack, it means so much more to me than you could ever imagine. who knows- maybe i'll come back to it soon enough. until then, thanks <3


p.s.- i'm not gonna be falling off the face of the earth or anything! i'll probably still be (kind of) active on twitter, so if you want to keep up with the other things i'm working on, feel free to follow me @I_Am_Merp !


by I_am_Merp on Feb 21, 2024

fixed shaders not being compatible with snapshots, plus some other changes i dont really have the motivation to list


by I_am_Merp on Jan 4, 2024
  • Made Prismarine Bricks animated

  • Fixed shading on Repeater while turned on

  • Inverted palettes on fern and large fern

  • Removed Tint from Lilypads in favour of hueshifted textures

  • Tweaked Trial Spawner top textures

  • Tweaked Redstone Ores & made emissive

  • Tweaked Deepslate palette

  • Made Deepslate Tiles tile a bit better

  • Tweaked Azure Bluet

  • Tweaked Trial Spawner top textures

  • Tweaked Breeze

  • Tweaked Squid & Glow Squid

  • Retextured Crafter (konci)

  • Retextured Decorated Pots (again)

  • Retextured Armadillo & Wolf Armour

  • Retextured Nautilus particles

  • Tweaked and Retextured several items

    • Lever
    • Tripwire Hook
    • Debug Stick
    • Beetroot
    • Bread
    • Cookie
    • Chorus Fruit
    • Popped Chorus Fruit
    • Dried Kelp
    • Apple & Golden Apple
    • Book
    • Written & Writable Books
    • Enchanted Book
    • Compass & Recovery Compass
    • Paper
    • Empty & Filled Maps
    • Golden Sword, Shovel, Chestplate, Boots, and Leggings
    • Wolf Armour
    • Armadillo Scute
    • Turtle Scute
    • Heart of the Sea
    • Brick & Nether Brick
    • Nether Star (again)
    • Bone
    • Bone Meal
    • Fire Charge


by I_am_Merp on Nov 6, 2023
  • Reworked several GUI textures

  • Added Crafter GUI

  • Implemented resource pack overlays (for title textures [*] and newly implemented particles)

  • Added unique smoke particles

  • Removed waxed inventory textures for copper blocks (became impractical to manage with the new copper blocks)

  • Tweaked new copper textures

  • Added top texture to Dripstone Block

  • Made numerous fixes to emissive shaders

    • emissivity is now mapped to only the usable alpha range (26 - 255)
    • fully emissive pixels now have the correct brightness in dark settings
    • moody brightness no longer makes colours look weird on emissive pixels
  • Added emissive textures to some missing blocks

    • Glowstone
    • Redstone Lamp
    • Shroomlight
    • Froglight
  • Redid Diamond Block

[*]: this unfortunately means title textures will only work past 1.20.1!!! sorry! however, this also means that this version is a universal release and thus works on all listed versions :)

  • Retextured Apple & Golden Apple
  • Retextured all Fish items
  • Retextured Decorated Pots
  • Tweaked fog to be slightly more dense
  • Fixed vanilla bug where certain particles (i.e., block, item, etc) appear darker than they should
  • Added unique textures for portal particles
  • Tweaked Chiselled & Regular Bookshelf
  • Tweaked Anvil items
  • Retextured Pumpkins
  • Tweaked Rails
  • Tweaked Minecart
  • Tweaked Cave Spider
  • Recoloured some wools to better match vanilla
  • Recoloured Birch & Spruce Leaves
  • Added minor hueshift to water
  • Retextured Raw Porkchop, Cooked Porkchop, Raw Beef, Cooked Steak
  • Tweaked Enderman & Blaze textures
  • Updated Map icons to 1.20.2 pre-1 format
  • Tweaked Cherry Leaves & Pink Petals again

    • Cherry Leaves
      • fixed tiling patterns
    • Pink Petals
      • darkened some petals to better match vanilla
  • Retextured Phantom Membrane

  • Retextured Magma Cream

  • Retextured Iron Nugget

  • Retextured Baked Potato

  • Retextured Stonecutter (item)

  • Retextured Elytra

  • Tweaked Potato

  • Tweaked Netherite Scrap

  • Tweaked Sugar Cane

  • Tweaked Ink Sac & Glow Ink Sac

  • Tweaked Nether Wart (plant)

  • Tweaked Grindstone (item)

  • Tweaked Kelp (item)

  • Tweaked Cooked Porkchop & Steak

  • Recoloured Stripped Dark Oak Logs to match vanilla

  • Reverted Bed changes (re-added internal faces on feet)

  • Added Potted Pink Petals model, because why not

  • Tweaked Cherry Leaves, Cherry Saplings, and Pink Petals
  • Water Cauldrons are no longer emissive
  • Fixed cullface on Cauldrons
  • Fixed Sniffer Egg textures

1.5 - 1.20

by I_am_Merp on Jul 25, 2023


  • Blocks:
    • Melon stem
    • Azure Bluet
    • Blue Orchid
    • Cornflower
    • Tulips
    • Torchflower
    • Netherrack
    • Nether Quartz
    • Nether Gold
    • Netherite Block
    • Stonecutter
    • Grindstone
  • Items:
    • Eye of Ender
    • Nether Star (again)
    • Potions & Bottle
    • Copper Ingot
    • Netherite Ingot
    • Chain
    • Bamboo sign & hanging sign
    • Hopper
    • Brewing Stand
    • Echo Shard
    • Heart of the Sea
    • Clay Ball
    • Carrot & Golden Carrot
    • Flint and Steel
    • Goat Horn


  • Blocks:
  • Dark Oak Leaves
  • Items:
  • Anvils
  • Cauldron
  • End Crystal
  • Comparator & Repeater
  • Lever & Tripwire Hook
  • Spider Eye & Fermented Spider Eye
  • Lightning Rod
  • End Rod
  • Stonecutter
  • Grindstone

Mod GUI Support:

  • Shulker Box tooltip
  • Trinkets
  • Figura
  • ModMenu
  • Bedrockify (fishing bobber)
  • Falling Leaves
  • Appleskin
  • Polymorph


  • Made Redstone Dust emissive
  • Remodelled & Tweaked Bamboo (large bamboo is now 4x4 rather than 3x3)
  • Redstone Torches (and by extension, Comparators and Repeaters) now have a glowing outline effect
  • Enabled Ambient Occlusion on doors
  • Split Sniffer Egg textures to free up some wasted atlas space
  • Saddle of Leather Horse Armour item no longer gets coloured when dyed
  • Reverted Sandstone connected textures due to performance issues
  • Brushes now have a smoother animation during use

Tweaks: - Blocks: - Melon stem - Azure Bluet - Blue Orchid - Cornflower - Tulips - Torchflower - Netherrack - Nether Quartz - Nether Gold - Netherite Block - Stonecutter - Grindstone - Items: - Eye of Ender - Nether Star (again) - Potions & Bottle - Copper Ingot - Netherite Ingot - Chain - Bamboo sign & hanging sign - Hopper - Brewing Stand - Echo Shard - Heart of the Sea - Clay Ball - Carrot & Golden Carrot - Flint and Steel - Goat Horn

Retextures: - Blocks: - Dark Oak Leaves - Items: - Anvils - Cauldron - End Crystal - Comparator & Repeater - Lever & Tripwire Hook - Spider Eye & Fermented Spider Eye - Lightning Rod - End Rod - Stonecutter - Grindstone

Mod GUI Support: - Shulker Box tooltip - Trinkets - Figura - ModMenu - Bedrockify (fishing bobber) - Falling Leaves - Appleskin - Polymorph

Miscellaneous: - Made Redstone Dust emissive - Remodelled & Tweaked Bamboo (large bamboo is now 4x4 rather than 3x3) - Redstone Torches (and by extension, Comparators and Repeaters) now have a glowing outline effect - Enabled Ambient Occlusion on doors - Split Sniffer Egg textures to free up some wasted atlas space - Saddle of Leather Horse Armour item no longer gets coloured when dyed - Reverted Sandstone connected textures due to performance issues

  • Tweaked Brush texture
  • Tweaked Anvil models & textures
  • Tweaked Cauldron model
  • Tweaked Dandelion, Rose Bush, Peony, and Lilac textures
  • Tweaked Mangrove, Bamboo, and Cherry door items
  • Retextured Splash particles
  • Fixed brief Z-fighting between piston arm and piston bottom
  • Fixed inventory rotation of Decorated Pots
  • Fixed rotation of "Out of Bounds" map icons
  • Fixed emissivity on cutout blocks (blaze rod, glow lichen, etc)

1.4 - 1.20

by I_am_Merp on Jun 20, 2023

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