Host your Minecraft server on BisectHosting - get 25% off your first month with code MODRINTH.

1.5 - 1.20



  • Blocks:
    • Melon stem
    • Azure Bluet
    • Blue Orchid
    • Cornflower
    • Tulips
    • Torchflower
    • Netherrack
    • Nether Quartz
    • Nether Gold
    • Netherite Block
    • Stonecutter
    • Grindstone
  • Items:
    • Eye of Ender
    • Nether Star (again)
    • Potions & Bottle
    • Copper Ingot
    • Netherite Ingot
    • Chain
    • Bamboo sign & hanging sign
    • Hopper
    • Brewing Stand
    • Echo Shard
    • Heart of the Sea
    • Clay Ball
    • Carrot & Golden Carrot
    • Flint and Steel
    • Goat Horn


  • Blocks:
  • Dark Oak Leaves
  • Items:
  • Anvils
  • Cauldron
  • End Crystal
  • Comparator & Repeater
  • Lever & Tripwire Hook
  • Spider Eye & Fermented Spider Eye
  • Lightning Rod
  • End Rod
  • Stonecutter
  • Grindstone

Mod GUI Support:

  • Shulker Box tooltip
  • Trinkets
  • Figura
  • ModMenu
  • Bedrockify (fishing bobber)
  • Falling Leaves
  • Appleskin
  • Polymorph


  • Made Redstone Dust emissive
  • Remodelled & Tweaked Bamboo (large bamboo is now 4x4 rather than 3x3)
  • Redstone Torches (and by extension, Comparators and Repeaters) now have a glowing outline effect
  • Enabled Ambient Occlusion on doors
  • Split Sniffer Egg textures to free up some wasted atlas space
  • Saddle of Leather Horse Armour item no longer gets coloured when dyed
  • Reverted Sandstone connected textures due to performance issues
  • Brushes now have a smoother animation during use

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Inspiration & Motivation :3

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