Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published last month
Updated last week
Adds Animations to Cobblemon Models that lack an idle animation or do not have any motion. Attack Animations are still in progress. All Models will have an Idle or Standing animation.
The goal of this pack is to eventually be outdated until offical animations are added, which will eventually replace the animations I made for the following models.
List of Models with added animations
Currently included as of v1.2
- Absol
- Accelgor
- Aggron
- Alolan Ninetales
- Basculegion
- Blaziken
- Bounsweet
- Braixen
- Braviary
- Clodsire
- Combusken
- Dartrix
- Decidueye
- Delphox
- Dragapult
- Electivire
- Escavalier
- Garchomp (CobbleRemodels)
- Gengar (CobbleRemodels)
- Gligar (CobbleRemodels)
- Gliscor (CobbleRemodels)
- Grimmsnarl
- Grovyle
- Hatenna
- Hatterene
- Hattrem
- Hisuian Decidueye
- Hisuian Lilligant
- Hisuian Zoroark
- Hydreigon
- Impidimp
- Karrablast
- Kommo-O
- Lairon
- Lilligant
- Lucario
- Luxray
- Magmortar
- Marshtomp
- Mimikyu
- Morgrem
- Mudkip
- Ninetales
- Politoed
- Rhyperior
- Riolu
- Rowlet
- Rufflet
- Sceptile
- Scyther
- Sealeo
- Shelmet
- Sneasler
- Spheal
- Steenee
- Swampert
- Treecko
- Tsareena
- Tyranitar
- Ursaluna
- Ursaring
- Walrein
- Zoroark