Nostalgic Pistons

Nostalgic Pistons

Resource Pack

Changes Piston Sounds To Match the sounds before SnapShot 24w20a


1 follower
Createda month ago
Updateda month ago

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In SnapShot 24w20a the Piston Sound has been changed for lower volume and attenuation But I Am Sure we all want the old sound back. . . so if mojang won't do it We as a comunity will i hope this pack can be helpful for the people who like the old sound


  • Q: Why not use the programer art reacorcepack?

  • A: the programer art pack changes not only the piston sound but every single thing that had a texture change in Minecraft back to what it was

  • Q: can i Reupload the pack?

  • A: i do not understand why you would need to do that, but take permission first


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