Minecraft: Java Edition
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Lively 'Mons
Keep in mind this addon requires you to have the Cobblemon mod.
How to Install
Add the .zip file from whatever version you want and add it to your world's datapack folder your resourcepacks folder.
If nothing gets added something is wrong with the datapack folder. If there is something added but it looks like a substitute and the name is all weird then something is wrong with the resourcepacks folder.
How to make the starters work
If you want to be able to choose the starters in the starter menu then follow these steps:
Note: This only works on a new world
Inside of Cobblemon go into your resourcepacks folder and click "Open Pack Folder" on the bottom left. This is the same way you add new resourcepacks into minecraft.
On the top bar it should have the word "resourcepacks" and to the left of it separates by a ">", and then the name of your pack like maybe "cobblemon" or if your using regular minecraft, just "minecraft" click the name of your pack.
Now there should be a folder called "config" go into it. Now inside the "config" folder, go into the folder called "Cobblemon"
Now keep this tab open and go back to Cobblemon and click "Open Pack Folder" again.
Go into the Lively 'Mons folder and then the folder called "starter screen"
Copy the "starters.json" and "main.json" files.
Go back to the cobblemon config tab and paste the files into it. If it asks if you want to replace some files say yes.
If you have another addon that adds starters you might need to edit the starters file to add both sets of starters to the menu. The official Cobblemon discord server can help you with that and any other questions you might have relating to Cobblemon addons.
All Pokemon Introduced and their Evolution Methods and Spawn Locations
(If a spawn method or evolution is not listed it means it either doesn't spawn or doesn't evolve)
Citrillume (starter)
- Type: Grass/Flying
- Spawns: Jungles
- Evolves: Level 16 into Limonzal
- Type: Grass/Electric
- Spawns: Jungles
- Evolves: Level 36 into Citrisaurid
- Type: Grass/Electric
- Spawns: Jungles
Infernito (starter)
- Type: Fire
- Spawns: Snowy Forests
- Evolves: Level 16 into Pillosinge
- Type: Fire/Ice
- Spawns: Snowy Forests
- Evolves: Level 36 into Slacho
- Type: Fire/Ice
- Spawns: Snowy Forests
Potdary (starter)
- Type: Water
- Spawns: Deserts
- Evolves: Level 16 into Vasaddle
- Type: Water/Rock
- Spawns: Deserts
- Evolves: Level 36 into Mortaraid
- Type: Water/Rock
- Spawns: Deserts
- Type: Flying
- Spawns: Savannas
- Evolves: Level 18 into Voltite
- Type: Flying/Electric
- Spawns: Savannas
- Evolves: Level 34 into Ostrike
- Type: Flying/Electric
- Spawns: Savannas
- Type: Normal
- Spawns: Caves with a boost next to redstone ore
- Evolves: Level 26 into Folly
- Type: Normal/Poison
- Spawns: Caves with a boost next to redstone ore
- Type: Rock/Ghost
- Spawns: Deep Dark
Galarian Shuckle
- Type: Ice/Bug
- Spawns: Tundras with a boost in Glacial biomes like Ice Spikes
- Type: Ice/Dark
- Spawns: Taigas and Snowy Forests with a boost during night time in a snowy forest
- Evolves: Level 32 into Fimbulven
- Type: Ice/Dark
- Spawns: Taigas and Snowy Forests with a boost during night time in a snowy forest
- Type: Rock/Poison
- Spawns: Underground in water with a boost in lush caves, can be fished
- Evolves: Level 33 into Petrolisk
- Type: Rock/Poison
- Spawns: Underground in water with a boost in lush caves, can be fished
- Type: Water/Psychic
- Spawns: Coasts during Full Moons and the End
- Evolves: Level 24 into Orbiclad
- Type: Water/Psychic
- Spawns: Coasts during Full Moons and the End
- Evolves: Level 38 into Xenoster
- Type: Water/Psychic
- Spawns: Coasts during Full Moons and the End
- Type: Flying/Ice
- Spawns: Mountain Peaks
- Evolves: Level 40 into Levilord
- Type: Flying/Ice
- Spawns: Mountain Peaks
- Type: Electric/Water
- Spawns: Deep Oceans
- Evolves: From Lanturn at level 35 after it has visited a deep ocean
- Type: Water/Grass
- Spawns: Swamps with a boost during the rain, can be fished
- Evolves: Level from Lombre after using a leaf stone
- Type: Fire
- Spawns: Non-Freezing Coasts and Warm Oceans with a boost at night time, can be fished
- Evolves: Level 36 into Shiboom
- Type: Fire/Dragon
- Spawns: Non-Freezing Coasts and Warm Oceans with a boost at night time, can be fished
Paldean Heracross
- Type: Bug/Fairy
- Spawns: Floral Areas
- Type: Ground/Grass
- Spawns: Deserts during night time
- Type: Water/Dark
- Spawns: Warm Oceans with a boost during the rain, can be fished
- Type: Fairy/Ghost
- Spawns: Spooky and Magical biomes like Dark Oak Forests with a boost during night time
- Evolves: Level 31 into Haghoula
- Type: Fairy/Ghost
- Spawns: Dark Oak Forests
- Evolves: Level 42 into Ectomancer
- Type: Fairy/Ghost
- Spawns: Dark Oak Forests
- Type: Dark
- Spawns: Savannahs
- Evolves: From female Mightyena at level 35
- Type: Rock/Ghost
- Spawns: Lush Caverns
- Evolves: Level 38 into Calciopi
- Revived: From Hollow Fossil found uncommonly in Prehistoric Birch Trees, Prehistoric Oak Trees, Prehistoric Spruce Trees, Sandy Dens, Sunscorched Dens, and Sunscorched Remains and guaranteed to be found in Prehistoric Dark Oak Trees (Found in Dark Oak Forests)
- Type: Rock/Ghost
- Spawns: Lush Caverns
- Type: Rock/Water
- Spawns: Lush Caverns
- Evolves: Level 38 into Spinarift
- Revived: From Reef Fossil found uncommonly in Dripstone Oasi, Enhydro Agates, Lush Dens, Mossy Ponds, Rooted Pits, and Vibrant Hydrothermal Vents and guaranteed to be found in Coral Pools (Found on Coasts)
- Type: Rock/Water
- Spawns: Lush Caverns
- Type: Bug/Flying
- Spawns: Forests, Jungles and Floral biomes when it is day time and not raining
- Evolves: After learning the move Burn Up (Which it learns at level 31) into Solarica
- Type: Bug/Fire
- Spawns: Nether Wastes
- Type: Electric/Ground
- Spawns: Underground besides deep darks, Night time in temperate biomes with a boost during thunderstorms
- Type: Poison
- Spawns: Jungles
- Evolves: Level 27 into Pungudua
- Type: Poison
- Spawns: Jungles
- Type: Fairy/Ground
- Spawns: Temperate villages with a boost during the night, Mansions, Underground above Y level 0
- Evolves: Level 33 into Pilolint
- Type: Fairy/Ground
- Spawns: Temperate villages with a boost during the night, Mansions, Underground above Y level 0
- Evolves: After learning the move Ancient Power (Which it learns at level 44) into Mamolint
- Type: Fairy/Ground
- Spawns: Temperate villages with a boost during the night, Mansions, Underground above Y level 0
- Type: Grass/Dragon
- Spawns: Bamboo biomes during the day
- Evolves: Level 34 into Branchief
- Type: Grass/Dragon
- Spawns: Bamboo biomes during the day
- Type: Steel/Fighting
- Spawns: Bamboo biomes during the night
- Evolves: Level 34 into Sajonin
- Type: Steel/Fighting
- Spawns: Bamboo biomes during the night
Currently all of the fakemon are designed by me
Thanks to all of the amazing people in the Cobblemon discord server for helping me make this. It wouldn't be possible without them.