10 New Pokemon
Pokokari - Electric Ground
Taplatter - Poison
Pungudua - Poison
Linub - Fairy Ground
Pilolint - Fairy Ground
Mamolint - Fairy Ground
Canjitsu - Grass Dragon
Branchief - Grass Dragon
Keenai - Steel Fighting
Sajonin - Steel Fighting
Fixes and Tweaks
Tweaked Fimbulven's model to make its head smaller
Made Wickarus's hitbox smaller
Eggward and Frostnatch now have default swimming stats
Frostnatch now gives +1 special attack for its ev yield
Dollamb no longer learns acid spray on evolution
Lowered Wickarus's walking speed
The Great Cleanup
A variety of changes and tweaks to make the Lively 'Mons experience much cleaner.
New Structures
- Added a new fossil site called the prehistoric coral pool with a guaranteed reef fossil from suspicious sand
- Added a new fossil site called the prehistoric dark oak tree with a guaranteed hollow fossil from suspicious gravel
Visual Changes
- Remodelled Dollamb and Folly
- Darkened the outline on the reef fossil and hollow fossil
- Tweaked Seibat's flying animations
- Retextured Krillkracker
- Tweaked Krillkracker's cry animation
- Recolored Shiboom's texture
- Centered Shiboom in its sleep animation
- Changed Shiboom's portrait
- Tweaked Infernito's texture
- Reanimated Petrolisk
- Changed Anglerine's texture
- Redid Anglerine animations
- Changed Mortaraid's shiny
- Changed Citrillume's shiny
- Made tweaks to Limonzal model and animations
- Tweaked the tailfeathers on Voltite's model
- Tweaked Voltite texture
- Tweaked Voltite's animations
- Ostrike's smoke is now a particle and trails behind it when it runs
- Made Ostrike's "wheel" black to match its legs
- Changed Ostrike's portrait
- Fixed Ostrike's recoil to be its animation instead of Eggward's
- Tweaked Limonzal air idle animation
- Tweaked Wailevi's texture
- Recolored Haghoula and Ectomancer's texture
- Tweaked Ectomancer's texture
- Tweaked Haghoula walk animation
- Tweaked profiles for a variety of Pokémon to look better in the Pokédex
- Recolored the Frostnatch line's textures
- Tweaked Fimbulvens animations and fixed it tilting sideways while flying
- Tweaked Polporos's shoulder animation
- Retextured Spinarift's eye
- Recolored the blush on Paldean Heracross
- Changed Moistery's recoil animation
- Tweaked Xenoster faint animation
- Tweaked Cyclopod's recoil animation
- Made Mortaraid's mortars spin during its attack animations
- Edited various dex entries
Gameplay Changes
- Changed Fungalith's abilities
- Made the Lively 'Mons starters spawn more consistently with the other starters
- The Infernito line now only spawns in snowy forests
- Fossoil now evolves at level 33
- The Krillcracker line now learns explosion and mind blown
- Krillkracker now walks on the floor of the water and breathe underwater
- Shiboom can now swim and breathe underwater
- Polporos now evolves at level 38
- Hollorn now evolves at level 38
- Tweaked Anglerine's movepool
- Anglerine can now walk on land
- Increased the size of Anglerine's hitbox
- Petrolisk can now walk on land
- Ludikappa can now be fished up in swamps
- Fossoil and Petrolisk can now be fished up in caves
- Krillkracker and Shiboom can now be fished up in warm oceans
- The Slimara line now learns Will-O-Wisp
- Levilord's cry is no longer a quirk
- Krillkracker's cry is no longer a quirk
- Made Fungalith a grass type and gave it more grass type moves
- Reef fossils and hollow fossils are now found in Cobblemon fossil sites instead of chests
- The Moistery line spawns a little less commonly
- Paldean Heracross spawns a little more commonly
- Changed how the Slimara line spawns
- Changed how Ludikappa spawns
- Changed how Fungalith spawns
- Changed how Cyclopod spawns
- Changed how the Krillkracker line spawns
- Changed what level the Moistery line can spawn at
- Changed how the Frostnatch line spawns
- Made regional varient and convergent pokemon cries different than the original Pokemon
- Made Petrolisk's hitbox smaller
- Fossoil and Petrolisk can no longer spawn outside of water
- Galarian Shuckle spawns more commonly in ice spikes
- Changed the Fossoil line's moveset
- Changed the Moistery line's moveset
- Polporos now learns better water type moves earlier
- Tweaked the Eggward line's moveset
- Getting the Hollow Fossil and Reef Fossil now give the "Consult the Fossil" advancement
- Dollamb can now sleep on beds
- Changed the stats, movepool, and evolution for Dollamb and Folly
- Changed the Infernito line's movepool
- Changed the Potdary line's movepool
- Changed the Citrillume line's movepool
- Wickarus now spawns more commonly
- Fixed various issues related to the look behaviour
- Made Anglerine spawn more similarly to Lanturn
- Dollamb and Folly now spawn in caves
New Pokemon
Wickarus - Bug Flying
Solarica - Bug Fire
Updated Version
- Updated to 1.21.1 to have compatibility with the new Cobblemon update
Other Fixes
Changed Spinarift's and Polporos's natural cure ability into filter
Fixed Cyclopod drops
Retextured Hollow Fossil and Reef Fossil
Remodeled Moistery
Update 1.3
Two new lines of Fossil Pokemon
Hollorn - Rock Ghost
Calciopi - Rock Ghost
Polporos - Rock Water
Spinarift - Rock Water
New Fossil Items
Hollow Fossils found in desert temples used to revive Hollorn
Reef Fossils found in buried treasure chests used to revive Polporos
Touch ups on Old Pokemon
Changed the scale of various Pokemon to be more consistent with Cobblemon
Added ground idle animation to Fimbulven
Galarian Shuckle is now in his battle animation in his profile
Fossoil no longer doesn't move on land
All Pokemon have national dex numbers
The Halloween Update
New Spooky Themed Pokemon
Fungalith - Ground
Cyclopod - Water Dark
Slimara - Fairy Ghost
Haghoula - Fairy Ghost
Ectomancer - Fairy Ghost
Lupayena - Dark
Touch ups on Old Pokemon
Changes to Seibat
Added Battle-Idle animation to Seibat
Changed animations for Moistery, Orbiclad, and Xenoster
Added recoil animation to Moistery, Orbiclad, and Xenoster
General Fixes
Anglerine spawns in the same bucket as Lanturn and Chinchou
Gave Krillkracker and Shiboom accurate height and weight values
Added custom labels to Pokemon that were missing it
Fixed Moistery, Orbiclad, and Xenoster drops
Fixed Orbiclad and Xenoster fly animations
Added name compatibility with Italian
Fixed Ostrike's legs to not clip in ground during running animation