Amethyl 2.0.0 Update
Amethyl Mechanic Changes
- Changed Lore
- Amethyl no longer gives nausea
Amethyl Falchion
- Renamed Amethyl Longsword to Amethyl Falchion
- Optimised particles to reduce lag Cheaper Crafting Recipe (Dragon's Breathe 20 > 10)
New items
- Neutralised Amethyl Shards (Drop craft with 1 amethyl shard, 1 quartz, 1 lapis lazuli), they are not deadly
- Amethyl Knife: A set item with the Amethyl Falchion, turns the defensive game around
- Amethyl Ring: A starter item for new amethyl alchemists, can help you safely hold amethyl shards if it's in your Inventory
New System Introducing RE Talos, a security system built to prevent blacklisted players from enjoying the game. This is mainly to prevent common content thieves from using my content.
Resource Pack
Updated my Universal Datapack Resourcepack
Version Update
Datapack and Resource pack are now compatible with 1.20.2 (If CITResewn still hasn't updated you can still use the older version on 1.20.2)