- About Mobs(关于生物):
- Modify values of all mobs.(调整全局生物数值)
- Add Giant.(新增僵尸巨人)
- Add Special Zombie.(新增特殊僵尸)
- About Blocks(关于方块):
- Remake all blocks which is about Mind Dimension.(重做心灵维度的所有方块)
- Add a series of things about silver, including silver block.(新加一系列关于银的,包括方块)
- About Items(关于物品)
- Modify value of all scroll.(调整所有卷轴的数值)
- Add new weapon.(新增武器)
- Add new items.(新增道具)
- About Music & Sound(关于音乐&音效)
- Remake sound.(重做音效)
- Add music.(新加音乐)
- Modify the values of some blocks.(修改部分方块的数值。)
- Adjust the mechanism of the Magic Ghost.(调整魔蕴鬼族的机制。)
- Add new blocks.(新加一些方块。)
- Add new functional block - Breath of Magic cauldron,You can now extract Breath of Magic from it. (你可以用它提炼魔蕴气息。)
- Add new potion effect.(新加药水效果)
Change (改动)
- The Silent table has been renamed as Silent Altar.(沉寂木桌更名为沉寂祭坛。)
- The Curse Altar has been renamed as Reincarnation Altar.(诅咒祭台更名为轮回祭台)
- New race - Chaos.(新种族-混沌族)
- Remove one Magic Ghost extra ability and add one chaos ability.(移除魔蕴鬼魂的一个技能,添加一个混沌族的技能。)
- Add a small amount of plot.(加入少量剧情。)
- Adjust the mechanism of Magic Ghost again and fix the bug.(再次对魔蕴鬼魂的机制进行调整并修复bug。)
- Add exclusive skills to Magic Ghost.(为魔蕴鬼魂添加专属技能。)
- Adjust the values of some blocks and the effects of some potions again.(再次对一些方块的数值和一些药水效果进行调整。)
- Add a recipe for new props to reduce the difficulty of obtaining them.(添加新道具的配方,降低道具的获取难度。)
- The liquid in the collapsed dimension will no longer summon lightning, as it can easily cause the game to crash in modpack.(现在崩塌维度的液体不会再召唤闪电,因为它容易在模组包里导致游戏崩溃。)
- Nowadays, wandering merchants sell some Breath Of Magic and other special items.(现在流浪商人会出售一些魔蕴气息和其他特殊的物品。)
- Now, ghosts can restore their health by drinking Breath Of Magic.(现在,鬼魂可以通过饮用魔蕴气息进行回复血量。)