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This pack will prevent the Ender Dragon from destroying all blocks. I recommend keeping this pack disabled until the Ender Dragon has been defeated at least once, that way you get the true experience of fighting it for the 1st time.

Future Version Proofing

This pack adds to the dragon_immune Block Tag, to make more blocks immune to Ender Dragon griefing. When future versions come out, it's likely to automatically add many blocks because of these 4 tags:

  • mineable/axe
  • mineable/hoe
  • mineable/pickaxe
  • mineable/shovel

These tags include all blocks that can be mined by these tools. I also add other blocks to the list while simplifying it with Block Tags as much as possible. For all other blocks, I use a world converted from Debug world type to Default, while using a looping function that replaces blocks near my player with the dragon_immune Block Tag with Air. This way I can see if any blocks are left out.


Q: Can you make one for the Wither? A: Unfortunately the wither_immune Block Tag only protects what the Wither can destroy by moving into it. It's projectiles and summoning explosion will still destroy blocks that are in that list, which makes that list worthless.


Code contributors:

  • petersv5 on GitHub

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