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⚠️ | Install this add-on both on the server as a datapack, and on the client as a resource pack. One file for both locations!

🐉 | Baby Legends intends to bring legendaries to your world in a balanced way by giving players the chance to look for the "babies" of said legendaries. This is my first add-on to add a whole new Cobblemon, so expect changes, improvements, and maybe bugs here and there.

🔴 | Currently, these Cobblemon support Baby Legends;

  • Rayquaza, with it's pre-evo Raygul

❓ | FAQ

  • How do I get the Cobblemon in this pack?

Raygul; Spawns occasionally in The End, near End Cities. Evolves to Rayquaza after using a Dragon Fang on it after lvl 50. After clearing out The End and getting some End Stone along with End Rods, you may attempt to place them down in the Overworld and wait for an ultra rare spawn, one considerably weaker than the ones in The End.

  • Can I add this into my pack? Make a video on this?

Go for it! Credit would be nice though :)

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