v1.0 (2023-07-05)
- Added
- Hanging root replication
- Changed
- Options command is relocated to guris:botani/settings
- Slightly increased size of interaction so that users can interact easily
- Removed
- Option for nether roots is removed since they are for purely decorational purposes, and have nothing to do with balancing.
- Option for shroomlight is merged into option for fungi.
- Others
- Code cleanup
- Added
- Plant replication for small flowers, pitcher plant, torchflower, cactus, dead bush, lily pad, moss carpet, crimson roots, warped roots, and nether sprouts, nether wart, shroom light, spore blossom, sugar cane, tall grass, tall seagrass, large fern, and vine
- Potted plant replication for small flowers, saplings, bushes, propagule, bamboo, cactus, dead bush, fern, crimson fungus, warped fungus, brown mushroom, red mushroom, crimson roots, and warped roots
- Tree like plant replication for oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, cherry leaves for saplings, azalea, flowering azalea leaves for bushes, mangrove propagule for mangrove propagule, nether wart block for crimson fungus, warped wart block for warped fungus, and brown and red mushroom block for mushroom.
- Chorus flower de-aging
- Options for balancing: ancient plants, nether roots, nether wart, shroomlight, wither rose, trees, fungi, mushroom, chorus de-aging, potted plants, loot mode, tall grass mode