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This datapack adds biomes to the Outbreaks in Cobblemon Mass Outbreaks by scouter567.
You can edit any of the pokemon by navigating to ...Cobblemon Outbreaks Basic Forms\data\cobblemonoutbreaks\outbreaks
This datapack will disable default outbreaks. You can change this in pack.mcmeta by removing this section: "filter": { "block": [ { "namespace": "cobblemonoutbreaks", "path": ".*" }, ] } }
List of Outbreaks added: abra aerodactyl aipom arrokuda articuno baltoy barboach basculin beldum bellossom bellsprout bergmite bidoof bonsly bouffalant bounsweet buizel bulbasaur buneary bunnelby cacnea carnivine carvanha caterpie cetoddle chansey charcadet charmander chatot chespin chikorita chimchar chimecho chinchou chingling clamperl clefairy cleffa combee comfey cottonee crabrawler cryogonal cubone cutiefly cyndaquil deerling dhelmise diglett ditto doduo dratini drowzee durant duskull dwebble eevee eiscue ekans electabuzz elekid elgyem emolga exeggcute falinks farfetchd fennekin fidough fletchling flittle froakie fuecoco gastly geodude gible gligar glimmet goldeen golett grimer grookey growlithe happiny heatmor hitmonchan hitmonlee hitmontop honedge hoothoot horsea igglybuff illumise iron_leaves jigglypuff joltik jynx kabuto kangaskhan koffing komala krabby kricketune lapras lechonk lickitung lillipup litten lotad luvdisc machop magby magikarp magmar magnemite mankey maractus mareep maschiff meowth_galarian meowth mewtwo mew milcery miltank mimejr mimikyu minun misdreavus moltres morelull mrmime mudbray mudkip munchlax murkrow nacli natu nickit nidoranf nidoranm nincada nosepass numel oddish omantye onix oshawott pachirisu paras patrat phanpy phantump pichu pidgey pidove pikachu pineco pinsir piplup plusle poipole poliwag ponyta poochyena popplio psyduck pumpkaboo pyukumuku quaxly ralts ratata rayquaza relicanth rhyhorn riolu roggenrola rookidee rowlet sableeye sandshrew scatterbug scorbunny scyther seedot seel shellder shinx shroodle shroomish shuckle sigilyph sizzlipede skrelp slowpoke slugma smoochum sneasel snivy snubbull sobble spearow spinarak spinda spiritomb sprigatito squawkabilly squirtle stantler starly staryu stufful sudowoodo surskit swinub taillow tandemaus tangela tatsugiri tauros teddiursa tentacool tepig timburr tinkatink torchic torkoal totodile treecko turtwig tyrogue varoom venipede venonat volbeat vulpix wailmer walking_wake weedle whismur wimpod wingull wishiwashi wooloo wooper wooper_paldean xerneas yamask yamper yanma zapdos zigzagoon_galarian zigzagoon zubat