Minecraft Deadline (Minigame)

Minecraft Deadline (Minigame)

Data pack

This fun minigame is sort of like Minecraft Hitmen but it's played without a compass.

Server Minigame

Createda year ago
Updateda year ago

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Deadline Minigame

This minigame is similar to Dream's Minecraft Hitmen but with a few changes. A survivor and any number of hunters are randomly spread through your choice of a 1k, 1.5k, 2k or 2.5k worldborder. Hunters do not have a compass, but the survivor permanently has glowing when they're not crouching. The worldborder will shrink over 30, 45, 60 or 75 minutes. If the survivor lives to the end of the game, they win. If the hunter(s) manage to kill the survivor, they win. In addition to surviving the 30, 45, 60 or 75 minute worldborder shrink time, the survivor also has to survive 5 minutes of "Endgame" time with the worldborder set to 20. You can choose to play with a barrel of loot in the middle or no loot. You can customize the worldborder size and game time in a settings menu which you can access by typing "/function deadline:settings/settings".

To start a game run the command: "/function deadline:prep" and once everyone has chosen a team, run "/function deadline:start".

The game will automatically set the center of the worldborder to your position when you run the prep command. If you want to change it, you will need to run the prep function again.

The pack was created for version 1.19.4 but it should work fine in older versions too.

That's it!

Enjoy the datapack :)

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