- All leaves (except Azalea & Mangrove) now drop oak saplings instead of their respective sapling
- All Overworld logs & stripped logs now drop oak logs
- Warped tree stuff now drops Crimson variant
- Stripped Wood blocks (the six-sided log blocks) now drop the Wood block of that type of wood (non-stripped)
- Warped Nether Wart blocks drop regular Nether Wart Blocks
- Oak Saplings can be placed into a stonecutter to get the other types of sapling
- Oak logs can be used in a stonecutter to get the other types of overworld log
- Crimson stems can be used in stonecutters to get warped stems
- Nether Wart Blocks can be used in stonecutters to get warped nether wart blocks
designed for 1.20.1
Andesite, Blackstone, Calcite, Diorite, Granite, Tuff, Deepslate, Smooth Basalt, & the Dripstone Block now drop Cobblestone unless mined with Silk Touch
All Colors of Terracotta now drop the base variant of Terracotta unless mined with Silk Touch
Red Sand now drops Sand
All Naturally Spawning Above-ground Overworld Flowers now require Shears or Silk Touch to acquire, aswell as Lily Pads, Warped & Crimson Roots & Fungi
Red Sand, Blackstone, Tuff, Cobbled Deepslate, & the Dripstone Block may now be made in the stonecutter
Calcite can now be made via crafting using the same recipe as Diorite except you use Tuff instead of Cobblestone (yes, Diorite has a recipe in vanilla)
Poisonous Potatoes are now unobtainable. Might make a recipe for them in the future (but who'd use it?)
Amethyst Blocks now work like Glowstone in that you get 2-4 of the Shards required to craft one each time you mine it unless using Silk Touch. I'm not entirely sure about this one but I figured since people go in the geodes to mine Shards anyway it'd make some amount of sense