Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 10 months ago
Updated 10 months ago
The project will be costantly updated and it's totally open to suggestions and opinions about extra implementations. So my invitation is to leave a comment and follow my Reddit to take a look at the new future adds. I work on this project by my self, so if you're interested in supporting me check out my marketplace Fiverr.
- Over 16 completely new biomes
- Old biomes reworked
- Asteroid biomes
- Cave biomes
- A cave system
- vanilla mob variants
- New way to mine ores
- New emproved monster rooms
Others Adds
- Item with special powers
- New structures
- New achievements to discover and explore the new End
Game Features
- the respown ancor work in the end
- new type of damege tp_damage
- powders can't be placed in the End like water in Nether
- Chorus teleportation sistem